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I have the same circumstances except my neuropathy is tingling, cramping & sensations like a band tightening around my foot. My knee replacement surgery was 8 months ago so I’m loosing hope it will go away & want to search options to repair this if possible.

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Replies to "I have the same circumstances except my neuropathy is tingling, cramping & sensations like a band..."

I also have that band tightening along the bottom of the foot, along with no feeling in the heel bottom and a slight warming prickly feeling at times. I am approx.5 months past TKR, If you come up with any answers please post it.

Welcome, @pestevenson, to Connect. We are a community of folks who want you to have the best quality of life possible. Without medical training, we rely on our experiences and willingly share them to perhaps help someone else. I am also a TKR patient and a parttime caregiver.

I must admit that we see quite a few posts almost daily with similar presenting symptoms as you have described. I have been studying the posts to try to be able to come up with a "1,2, buckle my shoe" approach.....sort of a one size fits all if you get my drift.

Guess what......it is just not that easy.
"Tingling to one person is a numbness to the next one."
"Cramping to the lady in the red dress is the same as 8-9 level pain to the gentleman in the khakis."
Ages are widely different, lifestyles are unique, pre-existing conditions are rarely the same, traumatic injuries are all unusually different.

As far as my TKR of 8 years ago.....and with a diagnosis of Small Fiber Neuropathy(SFN).....complete with enough pain for both knees....I can still tell a difference between the TKR foot and the SFN only foot.

Don't lose hope......just maybe stop worrying If you are not in pain. I see that @navyqas is joining the inquiry and has a similar experience.

What is the major discomfort that you would like to go away? What have you done to give it a "boot"? Medications, exercise?

May you be content and at ease.

I had the same as soon as I woke up after my TKR. Was told it was normal and give it a year. It was like sitting to long and your leg n foot fell asleep and you couldn't stand on it. Plus my toes were purple and sometimes white and foot was cold.
I kept pursuing it and about 7 weeks after my primary listened to me and did some testing, an ABI test (pressure test on legs). Which sent me to a cardiologist then angiogram proving my TKR surgeon pinched the main artery behind my knee and I had to have surgery to open up the artery (7 hours). I went back to my TKR surgeon all he said was "Why did you wait so long to get it fixed. You could of lost your leg." Said give it 3 + years before maybe I'd get rid of the numbness and tingling.
At least my artery is open and I have blood flow to my foot and my toes are not purple! And I have my leg!
But still have some numbness and tingling that might never go away because of nerve, cells and tissue damage.
Got luck and keep looking for answers.