Anyone else have a Redundant / Tortuous Colon?

Posted by onaquest @onaquest, Nov 7, 2018

Hello. Anyone else out there that has a redundant/ tortured colon? I was diagnosed with this a few years ago. I’m usually ok, but if I get constipated, I get sick for a week or two. Last year my gastroenterologist referred me to a surgeon for urgent surgery to remove some of my colon. The surgeon I ended up seeing (not on the recommended list by my gastro doc due to others not available for a long time) said he believed I could live with the redundant colon if I followed a low FODMAP diet. I tried the diet religiously, scientifically (I’m a scientist), and I found it’s not the food I eat that causes these bouts of constipation. The only item I’ve found that might cause the bouts is coffee every day. An occasional coffee seems fine. What has helped me stay regular in a big way is Benefiber (or any pure wheat dextrose generic) three times per day. Lots of fluid.

My gastro doc was upset with the surgeon and said I’d regret not having the surgery. He fears I will end up in an emergency situation. I have searched the Mayo site and don’t find anything about redundant/ tortured colon. Are any Mayo docs doing research or treat this condition? Anyone else suffer from this too?
Thank you! -Jayne

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Hello , I am 27 years old male, very athletic build and does regular physical activity, but i have always had this problem of bloating and sense of incomplete evacuation and constipation since i was 18 yrs old, many of the consultation ended up describing it as irritable bowel syndrome and prescription of laxatives and fibres which didnt help at all. But I recently underwent colonoscopy and was diagnosed with redundant sigmoid colon and they say I have to have a surgery to improve my symptoms. Being young and the sole bread winner for my family, I am devastated. I am ready to undergo the procedure but I am being informed that the result is not guaranteed and there may be worsening of symptoms. I am lost, if anyone out there with similar problems post or pre surgery please do share ur views to help me out...thankyou

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Hey there, I’m in the same boat as you. Have had multiple symptoms the same as yours and has not emptied my bowel for 28 days was hospitalised 3 times within this period from pain and the concern as to why I hadn’t gone. I had a colonoscopy 2 weeks ago and was diagnosed with a redundant sigmoid colon. I see my specialist next week to get all of my results as they also found some polyps which they needed to biopsy. I’m only 24 years old and I’m also extremely physically active and follow a meal plan advised by my training coaches.


@katiaserra Please tell us more about the Meal Plan of the Training Coaches.. How long have you been using this Meal Plan.. and did you have these symptoms (which symptoms occurred first) before going on this Meal Plan? Let us know what your Specialist says..


@ken82 hi ken, the meal plan was working out how much protein, carbs and fats I needed to intake as well as a minimum of 28g of fibre everyday. I’ve been following a meal plan like this on and off for about 6 years but most recently 8 months continues. I’ve always had constipation my whole life but not to the extremes of what I recently experienced. Bloating and constipation were the first symptoms and then following extreme nausea and abdominal pain to the point where I was hospitalised. Yes will do, fingers crossed on my biopsies!


@katiaserra .. Could you tell us what foods you are eating when using this Meal Plan.. examples of what meats, examples of what dairy, examples what fiber.. what vegetables, what fruits.. How much liquid and what liquids..


I have had IBS-C issues for as long as I can remember, but about 7 years ago they became chronic to the point where I can go a week (or more) without any bowel movement if I'm not taking laxatives. I have had dozens of tests, and the only useful information I have received so far was from a visit to the Mayo clinic in Rochester a little over a year ago, where they discovered I have a "highly tortuous colon" and could barely complete a colonoscopy. The recommendations at that time included increasing my fiber, which doesn't help at all. Other tests have also revealed that I have a partially prolapsed lower colon, but not to the point where surgery would be a good idea. Taking fiber supplements makes me extremely bloated and becomes unbelievably painful, and Miralax makes me sick to my stomach and doesn't do too much to move things along. I've tried different things with my diet, and right now, I mostly eat white rice (brown is too hard to digest), vegetables, and small amounts of protein. I feel like i'm going a little crazy trying different things like eliminating dairy or other food restrictions, but I don't know what else to do. I completely avoid gluten. I've been very active my whole life...have run marathons and done lots of strength training and different types of endurance races, but recently I don't have the energy for the types of training that these events require. @karena65 Do you have a resource that you can share on the whole plant diet? Is there any other advice anyone can share?

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Oh, you sound just like me. I don't have IBS-C but a redundant, slow transit colon. My transverse colon barely moves. At the moment all I eat is soft fruit and vegetables, eggs, rice and some fish. I can't eat alot in one sitting so graze throughout the day. I have list about 13 kg. My colorectal specialist put me on prucalopride with my laxitives which has done nothing. Ten days with a small result but I think it is only because I doubled my laxatives on the 8th day. I think I want surgery but I'm concerned I am concerned that maybe I am not bad enough.


I have a tortuous colon too also AVM's which bleed and I don't see the blood. Wound up in the hospital 2017 as I lost too much blood. Had to have Blood transfusion and iron infusions. I am monitored for the blood but for the colon, it is horrible having colonoscopies and I need them as I get adenomas. My gastro doctor never said anything to me about it at all. Wonder why.


I was just diagnosed after a painful colonoscopy. Unfortunately, the doctor didn’t stop to talk aboutit so I am doing my own research. For the last several years, since my last coloscopy, I have had episodes where I cannot relieve myself then it feels like I am going to pass out, followed by a drop in blood pressure with cold sweats. These episodes take up to 30 minutes to finish and I have to lie down afterward. I am wondering if they are related. I certainly appreciate everyone’s experience and input.

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@lesliedenny I have experienced similar symptoms like yours for years with no diagnoses. After days of constipations, I pass out and when I regain consciousness I am drenched in cold sweats and the worse part is that I know that I am about to pass out! I dread these attacks. I have been on high fibre diet, drink a more of water, more than 8x8oz water every day and follow vegetarian diet. I wish there was some treatment to end this suffering!


@lesliedenny I have experienced similar symptoms like yours for years with no diagnoses. After days of constipations, I pass out and when I regain consciousness I am drenched in cold sweats and the worse part is that I know that I am about to pass out! I dread these attacks. I have been on high fibre diet, drink a more of water, more than 8x8oz water every day and follow vegetarian diet. I wish there was some treatment to end this suffering!

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Hi, I suffered with redundant colon severe and horrible colonic inertia (meaning I did NOT GO POOP) for 2 years. Did all Testing. Ps. Get Sitz Marker Test done... I was scheduled for total colon and large intestine removal. Went on a product called FUNGAS CLEAR. Amazingly, I am going to POOP everyday... Give it a try. Sold, on amazon.


Hi, I suffered with redundant colon severe and horrible colonic inertia (meaning I did NOT GO POOP) for 2 years. Did all Testing. Ps. Get Sitz Marker Test done... I was scheduled for total colon and large intestine removal. Went on a product called FUNGAS CLEAR. Amazingly, I am going to POOP everyday... Give it a try. Sold, on amazon.

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Hi @les2436, Fungus Clear appears to be an probiotic formula (ingredients: Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium Lactis, Lactobacillus Plantarum, Lactobacillus Paracasei, Marine Polysaccharide Complex, Fructooligosaccharide) taken internally to treat nail fungus. I can’t see anywhere that it is indicated for constipation.

I’m glad you found something that works for you after not finding solutions for over a year. Was this something that was recommended by your doctor? How long were you told to take it?

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