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DiscussionAnyone else have a Redundant / Tortuous Colon?
Digestive Health | Last Active: 2 days ago | Replies (1153)Comment receiving replies
Replies to "I was just diagnosed after a painful colonoscopy. Unfortunately, the doctor didn’t stop to talk aboutit..."
@lesliedenny I have experienced similar symptoms like yours for years with no diagnoses. After days of constipations, I pass out and when I regain consciousness I am drenched in cold sweats and the worse part is that I know that I am about to pass out! I dread these attacks. I have been on high fibre diet, drink a more of water, more than 8x8oz water every day and follow vegetarian diet. I wish there was some treatment to end this suffering!
Helli @lesliedenny. Your experience sounds very similar to mine. For months, I have had 5 to 7 times of diarrhea every morning, with bouts of constipation in between. Every 5 or 6 weeks, I would start to blackout, always while on the toilet. Since I live in a seniors' residence, staff always attended once I pressed my neck alert, and an ambulance was called for. The medics always made the decision to take me to E.R. due to my vitals readings. In the last 2 E.R. visits I had both a CT scan with contrast and an MRI, which my new GI showed me images of on my 1st appointment with him. I clearly saw 2 large obstructions in one image and 3 in the other. He advised me to drink 2 litres of water, 1 tsp. Metamucil daily, and Lax-a-Day daily. Also ordered lab work. I followed his advice for 6 weeks and found I began to feel better, less diarrhea, no blackout incidents, etc. I was advised to continue that regime, cutting Metamucil to 1/2 tsp. daily and Lax-a-Day every other day. It's been tricky to manage the ups and downs of the bowel, but an improvement. A second Fecal Protectin test this week showed an Alert Symbol beside the reading of 9.4, indicating inflammation. The GI is scheduled to phone me January 21. He told me earlier that I might need a colonoscopy but that it's risky for me due to my various health issues. I have a history of mouth sores and this past 2 weeks have a painful outbreak of sores. I've read this could be a symptom of Crohns, which the G.I. is investigating me for. Good news is that I've had no more blackouts since starting my GI's regime. I really believe in drinking the 2 litres of water daily. I'm waiting anxiously to hear from my GI on the 21st.
You are not alone! I’ve had several terrible bouts of almost fainting while needing/trying to go to the bathroom. When I feel it coming on, I lie down on the bathroom floor and put my legs up on the toilet/wall. This is to raise my blood pressure. If there is time, I will put down a towel, but germs are nothing when you feel like you are going to die. After reading about twisted/obstructed colon, I’ve scheduled an appointment with my specialist. I was diagnosed with redundant/tortuous colon two years ago. The doctor used a pediatric scope and still could not complete the procedure. I’m ready to give up food. I want my life back!
Almost exact same experience, doctor did not talk to me after colonoscopy, but I read the summary of the colonoscopy and it said the sigmoid colon significantly tortuous,did research and now I know why I have the occasional issues like you stated , severe cramping diarrhea, cold sweats, and it lasts for close to an hour, then I am somewhat exhausted after, but then the rest of the day is normal. My doctor does want to have a follow up appointment. I see your post is from three years ago. How are you doing now?
I have noticed...not so recently, most Dr.s, after they’ve done they’re “procedure”, given your findings, they are out of the picture. There is NO CONTINUITY in care anymore. I have done more research than I care to think about. Too many problems, too many solutions, too many topics! I thought that’s what Drs were for.
Look up Valsalva maneuver. By straining persistently on the toilet, you are triggering your autonomous nervous system into syncope (passing out). If you eliminate the straining/pushing, you will avoid these episodes.
I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago after my colon prep failed prior to a horrible colonoscopy. I am very fit, but lately have looked almost pregnant with bloating and gas. I had a colonoscopy five years ago due to colon cancer history and it was normal. I have always struggled with constipation though. I had an intussusception as a baby where my bowel blocked and wonder if this was the start. This did seem to come out of nowhere. Any insights?
I kept telling doctors that it’s not IBS. It’s closer to 7cm dilated. Sweats and contraction like pain.
I was diagnosed a week ago ... and haven’t pooped since despite a LOT of laxatives snd prunes. Concerned. Yesterday doctorrecommended another laxative (which I took) and today she is in surgery. Hoping. But this is ridiculous.