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Anyone else have a Redundant / Tortuous Colon?

Digestive Health | Last Active: Mar 11 4:53pm | Replies (1156)

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I had a colonoscopy today. I read the report and one finding was a redundant colon, but no polyps or twisting this time. I looked it up and found redundant meant a colon that was longer than normal for the body, so it takes more time to do the colonoscopy. Further research lead to the importance of self care to prevent impaction and twisting. Next, I read your great posted question. It made me wonder why the I had no poly this time. But I still have bouts of intense pain, and the other symptoms you mentioned. Mine csn over something as simple as a 3 hour car trip and eating in a resteraunt.
My history includes emergency room visits with the symptoms you described. My story includes concurrent Afib incident.
Through my gassy, boated, and sometimes severe pained adulthood, here is some of the advice I have received: My GP said take fiber. Eat whole grains. However I was alergic to over the counter fiber stuff, and grain sensitive. Ground flaxseed helps. My gyneccologist (of all people) prescribed a good multi probiotic. This practically solved the problem for a few years, most of the time. (Must take pill every time I ate.) My health coach sold me a natural ground walnut, barley greens fiber product that was helpful, but I became allergic to it and it caused sinus problems. The mistake I made was to smell it. My Naturopath sold me on digestive enzymes a year ago, that helped. And they are quite expensive. Then, last fall my medical doctor who is trained in Mexico City and is an Internist advised that I go to nutrition meetings his asistant leads for free. It turned out to be a Whole plant diet. This means plant food only. No meat, milk, no animal product of any kind, no eggs, processed oil, not even olive oil, no processed sugar or fake sugar. No fake vegetarian food laden with salt. 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. No other drinks, unless soaking my own seeds. Manufactured almond milk has salt. There has been testimonies of colons healed that once were polyp prone and now are polyp free. Hmmm, I did not have a single polyp this time. Raw nuts and seeds are ok! I do not think whole seeds are good for polyps though. Following that diet has helped the inflammatory other problems I have too. In a pinch I have used simethacone. Probably not good in the long run. As I age, (with only one kidney doing the job of two) I have reduced ability to process excess fluids. Chewing my food very well and not overeating, moving during the day helps, too.
My thoughts are for you to be healed and that you find relief. I thank you for the details you shared. Key words for me is faith and self-discipline to follow the diet consistently. I just retired from teaching special education. So I am hopeful the less stress, and extra time will help me be closer to using my food as the main medicine/ fuel. Being out of pain and free from the gas and bloating is motivating. Sorry this is so long, I hope my journey gives hope and encouragement to fellow people with redundant colons. May they even untwist and depolyp (THANK YOU SURGEONS) And May we all listen and follow our Great Physician.

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Replies to "I had a colonoscopy today. I read the report and one finding was a redundant colon,..."

Hi which probiotic did you use? Have you heard of Peptiva? Thanks Lesley