← Return to Fluoxetine (Prozac) _ How to get off it


Fluoxetine (Prozac) _ How to get off it

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: May 26, 2021 | Replies (30)

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@hopeful33250 Why I remain. I have done my share of criticizing medications and it is only what I have experienced. Taking a medication for the “correct” reasons and under the supervision of a physician can be helpful. Going off of them w/o the help of a physician I do not recommend. I did so because of fear of physicians and others. At that time things were more than even I can express.
It is so important to have people in one’s life that are safe.
I hear others sharing about brain zaps, etc and it can be scary,etc.
Off topic...Had a play-day w/ my grandson. Our imaginations soar together. What fun!!
Think I finally found a profile pic I like too!!

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Replies to "@hopeful33250 Why I remain. I have done my share of criticizing medications and it is only..."

How delightful that you had a play day with your grandson, @parus. Yes, I really like your profile picture as well. Thanks for adding to our conversations in a meaningful way.


I'm so happy to read your posts now Parus. Sounds like you are doing well and I know how you love having your grandson with you. I wanted you to know that I have started the oil painting class now. I'm working on my first oil painting in years and I'm truly enjoying it! I'll post a photo of it when I'm finished. I'm going to start a second drawing of 2 pears in a bowl using "craypas." This will be a first for me, but I already know how I want to use the craypas and what the drawing will look like. Your work has inspired me to take the risk of criticism of my artwork, although that's somewhat scary for me. The older I get, the less I care about other people critiquing my work. I like what I'm doing and that's what counts.
Thanks Parus!