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Hi, My name is Kathy - I am 66 and was diagnosed with emphysema about 4 ago. My last test said it had progressed to severe, however, I am not on oxygen at all, so I was skeptical. I recently got referred to a lung specialist and had another test. The doctor would not stage me as he says he treats me, not stages! I am on brero for 3 months and will take another test to determine if asthma is a component of my disease and to the extent. AT this appt. I will insist on knowing what my stage is, as I feel I have a right to know where I am, and my life expectancy. I am an ex smoker (4 years ago) and since quitting, have gained 60 lbs. I do get very breathless when walking etc. I am finally working on my weight and am hoping it causes some of my breathlessness. I know it is very scary Jeanette.

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Replies to "Hi, My name is Kathy - I am 66 and was diagnosed with emphysema about 4..."

I am also 66. Going to find a way to let the smokes go. Have to. I walk 3-4 times a week ... 1.25-1.50 miles at 3.0 speed. Will find out more from PCP about the CT scan this week. I need to get an appointment with an ENT and get this nasal condition cleared up first. Thanks so much for your input. God bless and good luck with your weight loss!!

Best of luck to you as well in dealing with this. It's good that you quit smoking