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I'm 35 have had epilepsy that has gotten worse over the years, so much so that in 2015-2016 hey erased my memory of everything, my 3 kids being born growing up, my childhood. It was being worse I was forgetting conversations 5 min after having them. I at this stage didn't know I was having them I was either asleep or would forget everything from before and after it started., it turned out I had right frontal lobe seizures. Was told I needed to have a partial lobectomy. Or in less than a year the little of my short term memory I could sometimes use would be gone in a year.and the electric currents from the seizures were already getting close to passing to t the left side of they do if be dead by 40. I had the Partial right temporal lobe resection sept 2016. They didn't stop my seizures but they've changed them. I can remember more now. I remember being able to see my son graduate high school. I'm on highest doses of Lamictal, zonigran, and Keppra they couldn't back any off since I'm still having them. So for me it was worth it even if it didn't fully work improved. So the hardest part is deciding is it worth taking the risk doctors want the will probably give some help if not all or keep things ss they are and hope. I did it for my kids any chance at a better option for them was the choice I needed to try. Didn't mean to gamble on just hope some outsider insight might help. Good luck

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Replies to "I'm 35 have had epilepsy that has gotten worse over the years, so much so that..."

Hi! @lady35 ..im 40 yrs old, started having seizures at 20, but wasnt diagnosed with epilepsy until 24 or 25. I cant remember..long story short, no seizure med worked for me ever, had my right temperol lobe removed because of an abnormality. I think i went about 2 or 3 months and didnt have any seizures but slowly started coming back. Had a VNS implanted, does nothing for me! I always hope it will 1 day though. Im on 3 different seizure meds now all at the highest doses, VNS at its highest setting and doing the medical cannabis and still I continue to have seizures every single day!!! About to do a clinical trial for Alprazolam inhaler. Its suppose to be used as a rescue drug. So we will see if that will do anything! Im thought about talking to my neuro about an RNS. Have wondered if that would help me any. I really thought the medical cannabis was going to be my cure since they talked it up so much and all about it curing "this and that"...helps me sleep, thats about it! And its expensive!! Oh i wanted to say (i forgot) that my short term memory is awful too!!! I cant remember a conversation i had 10 min ago, I have 3 boys and its very hard to remember them growing up, pictures help but not very much!! Like you I dont and cant remember going in labor with them, how they were being lil babies, just stuff like that and all you said. I hope things will get better for you, I will be thinking of you!! Good Luck with it all!!!