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In Search of Relief

Neuropathy | Last Active: Oct 20, 2021 | Replies (28)

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Hi @johnbishop - thanks a lot for your comments on lllt and the publication, one I have not had in my collection as yet - I would like to add another one or two studies on low-level laser therapy, also caled photobiomodulation. On most recent studies, partially not as yet published, I understand that the applied dose per cm2 tissue which was usually from 1 to 5 joules seems to be consierably higher. So those laser lighter type output power of 1 to 5 mW would take quite some time if such recommended doses should be reached.
Also I share your intention on getting one of those low cost one-man-sauna, I found a lot of relatively low cost units on amazon.de, the german version, there again it may be interesting to see what infra red heat lamps they are using, as the absorption of water in the human cells depends on the wavelength used in the infra red spectrum. I am trying to add the link on water absorption of light. Mostly the manufacturers do not state the wave length of their heat lamps but should be able to disclose if one inquires. I think that the wavelength should be below 2000nm so there is some transmisison of light in subcutaneous tissue structures which could, like laser light, stimulate the repair of peripheral nerve damages.

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Hi @swiss, thanks for the update and for the information and links. I think it's one of the pieces for helping the numbness I experience. I also think there is a cellular nutrition side that needs to be addressed which is one of the things I'm focused on doing now with supplements and vitamins.

My foot feels nearly normal. I think I remember what normal was after 7 years.