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In Search of Relief

Neuropathy | Last Active: Oct 20, 2021 | Replies (28)

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Hello John:
First let me thank you very much for your timely reply and quantity of informative links. I am particularly interested in "Statin Neuropathy Masquerading as Diabetic Autoimmune Polyneuropathy" since my Cardiologist has me on Crestor for the past eight years and I do not believe I have diabetes because over a year ago my then primary care physician said I no longer had to test my glucose daily and a recent August 15th blood test showed my Glucose result as 101 and my Cholesterol result as 129 .

This past June I was diagnosed with chronic axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy which is now affecting both feet and beginning to affect my hands. However as stated in my original post, both the Neurologist and the Chiropractor were not open to prescribing me an electronic nerve stimulator. One only believed in prescription drugs and the other felt threatened by the devise. You have given me a wealth of articals to review and I am genuinely grateful.

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Replies to "Hello John: First let me thank you very much for your timely reply and quantity of..."

Hi @dutchman09, I'm glad the information was helpful and even more happy that you are being a strong advocate for your own health. The way the healthcare industry is going a person really needs to advocate and work with the doctors to come up with a treatment plan. Here is a patient story I ran across earlier that might be helpful.

Breaking Away From Pain With the Help of ‘The Scrambler’
-- https://sharing.mayoclinic.org/2015/02/19/breaking-away-from-the-pain-with-the-help-of-the-scrambler/

Also the site with a little more information on the device:
-- https://www.st-team.eu/

Keep learning as much as you can about your condition, it can't hurt and it most likely will help you work better with the doctors on a treatment that works for you.
