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Using cbd to wean off Ativan

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Feb 25 9:58pm | Replies (20)

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Hi @angrae, so sorry you have been struggling with anxiety. Twenty five years ago I started having panic attacks and generalized anxiety and other “crazy symptoms.” It turned out to be my thyroid. Hypothyroidism with spills that would make me hyperthyroid. It took two years and numerous doctors and misdiagnoses before my second endocrinologist correctly diagnosed me and got me straightened out.If you’re at Mayo I’m sure they’ve looked at your thyroid and other hormones including adrenals/cortisol but just a reminder since thyroid patients see an average of five doctors before proper diagnosis. Hang in there!

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Replies to "Hi @angrae, so sorry you have been struggling with anxiety. Twenty five years ago I started..."

Please do tell how they straightened your situation with your thyroid out. I’m having conflicting TSH and T4 - my hypothyroidism went haywire one year ago and they can’t seem to get it fixed. It’s taken a toll on my entire body.