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Using cbd to wean off Ativan

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Feb 25 9:58pm | Replies (20)

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Yeah, avoid all meds. There's alot f ignorance in the med Field. Unfortunately they're not always our best advocates. Some more ignorant than others. The anxiety will pass. And CBD may fuel the fire as you said. It's slightly stimulating. Look into magnesium and niacin. If you're interested you may private message me on this site. I have alot of knowledge in this area (not a doctor),just someone who's been down that road

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Replies to "Yeah, avoid all meds. There's alot f ignorance in the med Field. Unfortunately they're not always..."

Hi, @james88 - welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Please note that I removed your personal email in favor of a suggestion to private message you here on this site, just for your personal protection from spammers, etc.

You talked about anxiety and CBD, and having been down this road. Wondering if you'd share more about your experiences with anxiety?