← Return to squamous cell in throat


squamous cell in throat

Head & Neck Cancer | Last Active: Jan 18, 2020 | Replies (61)

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Hello Jim, Chemo works very well with SQ Cell. I had 38 treatments of radiation that almost killed me. I had a tumor under my right jaw and 4.5 years later had SQ Cell in my right tonsil. I underwent Chemo at the ND Cancer center, and then continued with radiation. I also had left and right radical neck dissections. If I could do things over I would not have the surgery, because the Chemo worked so well. Every case is different, all I can tell you is what I did and now in hind-sight, tell you what I should have done. Pray about it, and let the real Doctor advise you. After all, He knows better than anyone!

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Replies to "Hello Jim, Chemo works very well with SQ Cell. I had 38 treatments of radiation that..."

Thank you for your information and hind sight. I will definitely keep it in mind when facing options.