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Hello @bumblebee1 -- I am sorry that your husband has to deal with so much pain. It sounds like the VA has tried a lot of different treatments. My knee is bone on bone but my pain level is probably only a 3 to a 4 and more of an ache than a sharp biting pain. My ortho doc doesn't think I'm a candidate for knee replacement yet and pretty much told me I could end up worse off after a knee replacement. I'm doing physical therapy exercises for stretching and range of motion, basically just keep moving as much as possible. I also have small fiber peripheral neuropathy so I've research a little about nerve damage and nerve pain. Most of the pain med block the pain signal in the brain and have a lot of adverse side effects but if they work and make the pain go away that's a good thing. I just have numbness from my damaged nerves and not much out there that helps with numbness according to my neurologist.

Have you done any research to see if there are new developments or treatments for his pain from his knee injury? A lot of times I will use Google Scholar to find research type information (https://scholar.google.com/). I did find an interesting article but I'm not sure if it's helpful to you.

Prolonged knee pain relief by saphenous block (new technique)
-- http://www.indianjpain.org/article.asp?issn=0970-5333;year=2013;volume=27;issue=1;spage=36;epage=40;aulast=Harshe

Hoping you find some answers...


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Replies to "Hello @bumblebee1 -- I am sorry that your husband has to deal with so much pain...."

Thank you John for your tips, I will definitely be checking out the google scholar site! Funny you mention the Saphenous Nerve block, he just had the diagnostic done a week ago! He takes nerve meds, they never seem to work very well on him, I think they may just not be as effective when used with his PTSD and other meds.
It’s been a long old road, but I will find something or someone who can help me fix him 🙂

@johnbishop- John, I have many friends including a 91 year old mother of a dear friend who has had knee replacement and in many cases both were done at different times and although they all had varying degrees of pain, all have told me that they were so glad they went ahead with the surgery. I would also recommend getting several opinions about different Orthopedic surgeons because I know there are some very good ones out there as well as not so good. One friend kept putting it off and that ended up causing a major hip problem as he began to walk in a way that he was compensating for the pain in his knee. In the end he had both knees done as well as a new hip over a 2 year period. The other key thing that all said was to make sure you kept up with the PT and in some cases loose some weight.
All my best to you! Jim@thankful