@eliana5 Oh please no don't feel that way.. Your advice is excellent..
I was just offering my experience from what I been told by my Dr. Your post allows people to inquire with their Dr, as to what you were given.
I just want people to know that it maybe the case, that based on their particular situation, they may not be able to be prescribed Supprep.
To be honest I really liked the Prepropik even though I had to pay 40.00. Trust me It was far from torture drinking that mixture. Everyone on the planet would be lined up like church to get a colonoscopy, if that is all they had to drink to get cleaned out. .After being diagnosed with stage 1 Cecum cancer, I can no longer get prescribed that prep.
So all our information that is being posted, is all excellent advice. Don't feel like your being berated. That is no ones intention here.
You were tagged so we can engage in conversation. That is what we usually do on connect, tag the people that were part of a conversation. And I tagged you so maybe you could inquire with your Dr about the Prepopik I was given. Maybe that is something you could try next time?
And Thank You for sharing your experience. Pipe in whenever you want please. Your input is very valuable to everyone reading.
I just wanted you to know my experience that is why you were tagged with my response.
And Welcome to connect ,I just noticed your a new member. Thank you for being part of our community. We cherish your thoughts, advice suggestions and experiences. Connect is here for every patient worldwide to share, and receive medical advice, tips and experiences. If you have any questions or ever need anything please know that I will be happy to help you with whatever I can..
Thank you for your kind response. It means a lot to me. Although, I really liked the Sup Prep..I will definitely inquire about the prepopik you mentioned. I didn't think anything was better than the Supprep...so next time I will see if I can be prescribed that. Thanks again for your warm response and welcome. ☺