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Are you taking Nsaids?
The cortisone shots made no noticeable difference and I have had the Synvisc shots on and off for a decade and that's harder to answer. Maybe they help a bit on stairs, but the difference is not dramatic and after getting these shots for years, even with pain numbing at site the shots can hurt terribly going in. Also about 10% of the time one leg will be unusable for a day or so because of intense pain when pressure is applied. Last shots were the worst, I was bedridden with ice pack for 2 days because of one leg and hobbled for a few more days. If I do these again I am thinking of picking up crutches. My doctor says I am not ready for replacement and after reading all the horror stories from others about the misery after knee surgery I will put it off until I am not able to get off the floor. For me level walking still fine, it's stairs and getting off the ground. I do get tremendous relief from Nsaids, like Aleve. My ortho put me on Meloxicam, an Nsaid, a prescription for over a year and I didn't think it helped much until my cardiologist said I couldn't take Nsaids anymore because of my blood pressure. OMG. Now having given it up for a few months I can't believe the dramatic difference in my pain level and mobility! The Meloxicam must have cut down the arthritic inflammation. To test the relief of the Nsaid I cut an Aleve in half! Wow, within a few hours that was all it took to have livable knees again a day and a half. I have decided to go back on the Meloxicam and monitor my blood pressure daily and if I my pressure goes up will get in to the cardiologist to assess.

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Replies to "Are you taking Nsaids? The cortisone shots made no noticeable difference and I have had the..."

I took it for awhile but it gave me diarrhea. Now I'm on celebrex

Hi @gareningjunkie -- I wasn't sure if your post was meant for me or someone else. If it was for me, I avoid nsaids like the plague due to being on medication for high blood pressure/hypertension. That plus the FDA has come out with some pretty strong warnings against them:

FDA Drug Safety Communication: FDA strengthens warning that non-aspirin nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can cause heart attacks or strokes
-- https://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm451800.htm

The PT seems to help keep things loose in the knee but doesn't do much for the aches and pains during the day or at night trying sleep. I just bought a knee brace/sleeve that helps the mobility without a cane and helps when I first stand up after sitting for awhile. Too early to tell since today is day 1 with the knee brace. I also picked up some Aspercreme with Lidocaine to try and see if that gives a little relief. Like you the doctor said he didn't recommend surgery at this time. I told him I probably rate my pain/discomfort at a 3 to 4 level most of the time and I think the gating factor for knee replacement is "I just can't stand it anymore! with volume" ☺

I did find a nice cane on Amazon and have been using it - went without it for a week when I got the cortisone shot. Sadly I thought it was OK to kneel down on concrete to do some work because I felt great...not a good idea. I bought some knee pads to help with that but may need to get some thicker ones.

Hope you find something that works for you.


I so agree with you, @gardeningjunkie, I take a NSAID everyday (one Advil) at bedtime and it is a life saver. I've had three digestive tract surgeries and my GI specialists cringe when I talk about my one Advil each day, but I know that nothing gives relief quite as well. For me, taking it a night gives me much more restful sleep and I wake up with less stiffness (yes I could probably do a commercial for all NSAIDs).