← Return to Possible Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome with craniocervical instability

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I wish you all the luck in the world. I have a severe balance problem too. I have been to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester in MN. I was told that I have Functional Neurological Disorder which is not true. I also have EDS with problems with my cervical. I had an X-Ray of my Cervical at the Mayo and I was never told that I have Sublaxation in my Cervical. Please keep me informed with your condition. I just did not have any luck at Mayo. I hope you will have better luck.

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Replies to "Hi: I wish you all the luck in the world. I have a severe balance problem..."

I've done all the work that doctors should have done. I've given them everything they need to diagnose. I hope they believe the neurosurgeon in Barcelona and not think that he's just some quacky doctor and I'm just getting scammed by him. Unfortunately I think this is the popular opinion among the doctors I've told about him. The report states that he thinks I have CCI and AAI. He also put the pathological CXA's and Grabb-Oakes measurements in the report which I sent. I also attached the actual images of how to do this measurement which they should know about. If this doesn't work I'm basically just going to ask God to kill me every night in my sleep. Uniformed doctors... Did you have any reports or anything done before going to Mayo or did you count on them to diagnose you? I don't mean that in an offensive way I just know from experience that doctors know very little to nothing about EDS. Other than your more flexible and/or have hyperflexible skin. If this works out for me then I'll recommend you to get an upright flexion/extension MRI and an upright rotation MRI. The doctor in Barcelona charges 250 usd for a basic evaluation. That's how I got my "report". The difference with him is that he's informed about the craniocervical deformities of Ehlers-Danlos patients. If you can afford it I would say get the 250 evaluation so he "knows" your case somewhat. Then you can go over there and get the surgery you need.