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SBO due to Adhesion

Digestive Health | Last Active: Jan 9, 2023 | Replies (44)

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@hopeful33250 , so far I haven't found a doctor who can answer my questions--that's why I'm here! 🙂 My diet at present consists mostly of juices, smoothies, soups, tofu, ice cream/popcicles, fruit, and gluten-free bread that I try to chew really well. (I seem to have a sensitivity to gluten, and I think it might make the sbo situation worse). The only real meal I eat is in the morning. I will keep your good advice to try to eat "watery" foods as much as possible too!
The problem is that when I get an obstruction even water doesn't seem to get through. If I have anything at all in my stomach when an obstruction starts, it's a bad situation (as I'm sure you all know!). So I try to eat stuff that can be digested quickly, to lessen the possibility that anything will get stuck behind an obstruction before I realize one is starting.

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Replies to "@hopeful33250 , so far I haven't found a doctor who can answer my questions--that's why I'm..."

Yes, there probably aren't any good answers to this type of problem. I tried to "google" diets for SBO and didn't come up with much either.
Outside of diet I have found that I need to avoid clothing that has a restricted waist band. Everything around the waist need to be loose and not binding to any extent. I also avoid wide belts that bind the waist band area and any foundation garments that are binding as well. I have seen certain exercises that are recommended for people with gastroparesis and sometimes I try them as well. Here is a link to Youtube videos with exercises, etc. https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=A9FJtr7S869bHBQA5PgPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=stomach+exercises+for+gastroparesis&fr=yhs-adk-adk_sbnt&hspart=adk&hsimp=yhs-adk_sbnt

Walking after meals is always good as well. For those of us who don't want continual hospitalizations and surgeries, it is a constant project for us to deal with, isn't it?