← Return to SBO due to Adhesion


SBO due to Adhesion

Digestive Health | Last Active: Jan 9, 2023 | Replies (44)

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@19630831 , I have had at least 30 adhesion-related small bowel obstructions from various surgeries over the past 45 years or so. So far I have refused the NG tube in the hospital, because all of the sbo's, although severe and horribly painful (and, of course, dangerous), have fortunately tended to resolve by themselves overnight. In the ER I just get pain meds, Zofran for vomiting, and fluids. I hope that I never HAVE to get the tube!
I had regular surgery when I was 12 or 13 to try to deal with the adhesions I'd gotten as an infant from surgery for an intusseception (I can never remember how to spell that!). That was in the mid-1970's, and probably eventually just made things worse.
Then, a few years ago, a laparoscopic surgeon pretty much assured me that he could permanently solve the issue with laparascopic lysis of my adhesions. I was desperate, so I went for it. Afterwards, he told me that he didn't think I'd have any more sbo's. However, I have had at least three or four since then. Perhaps results are different for different people, but based on my experience I wouldn't endorse surgery. For me, it was a waste of time and money, and my heart was broken when I realized that it had done no good!
There HAS to be a better solution...I wish someone would do the research and find out soon.

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Replies to "@19630831 , I have had at least 30 adhesion-related small bowel obstructions from various surgeries over..."

Visceral massage done by a good PT can gradually break up the adhesions. That worked for me for about 20 years. Good luck!