Side Effects of Shingles Vaccine

Posted by ssbionicknee @ssbionicknee, Sep 20, 2018

I got the flu shot and the new shingles vaccination 3 days ago. Today I started feeling sick to my stomach. I've never had a reaction to the flu shot and was wondering if anyone else felt sick after getting the shingles vaccine?

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The night after the injections I contacted my providers they seem to think that this is normal and some people and they asked me a bunch of questions about athletic shock I like that said to call them back they got worse but didn’t seem to think that it was serious again it sounded like they’ve seen this before


I got the pneumonia flu shot and a shingles vaccine all the same time adverse reactions still sick day three ache all over feels like I have the flu or got run over by a truck swollen glands major headache been taking Tylenol and Excedrin and that seems to break it I am running a low-grade fever Not sure if I’m going to go with the second shot for the shingles if it’s anything like this I would not go through this again

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I received the first shingles shot with no issues. I was advised at the time that I should make sure that both my second shingles shot and flu shot were not administered within 30 days of each other. My flu shot is provided at my place of employment, so it was good advice when time for the second shingles shot. I did have a few issues after the second shot, soreness in the arm, redness and a little fatigue, but wasn’t too bad.


As luck would have it I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. 🙂 It has been about 8 hours now and I am feeling a little better. I had to get in bed and lay still. I felt sick most of the day, but it got really bad before I laid down. I felt like I was on a boat in the middle of a storm. I also looked up side effects as I was resting, and it said the new vaccine is much stronger than most vaccines and the side effects included feeling sick and a headache. There was also a number to call to report any side effects. I am going to do that tomorrow. This was my first shot and I am supposed to get the second one in 2-6 months. I am dreading the next shot and am going to ask my doctor if I really need it. I had the original vaccine and was fine. Then they came out with this stronger vaccine. I am interested to see what others have to say about their experience with the shots.

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I also took the shingles vaccine yesterday. Today I'm extra tired muscle aches, and a headache. I have all of the side effects


@bmslade Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. It sounds like the shingles vaccine you had a couple days ago gave you side effects.

May I ask how long the side effects lasted?


Got my first dose of Shingrix Nov 20, 2020. Had severe (and weird I must say) arthralgia and myalgia during night for 2 nights straight, essentially slept for 2 days after--flu like but weird enough symptoms I thought I had Covid! Then started to rebound on 3rd day after. Then lips swelled up for 2 days. moving in a circular pattern from bottom lip to top. That cleared up then have had watery diarrhea and not a normal bowel movement since (today is Dec 9). A few days ago the stomach upset was accompanied by swollen left knee and left foot that has the characteristics of gout (which I am familiar with). Can barely walk. So I took a Covid test which came back negative. So either I am having some coincidental acute situation or things have not been the same since the vax.


I got the new Shingles shot on 02/24/2020. The first day I felt oK. By day 2 I awoke with a stiff neck (I cannot turn my neck left or right, up or down to my chest), I had a fever of 100.9, my ears ache, I have body aches, a headache that feels like my skull will blow right open, swollen glands, night sweats, nausea, difficulty with breathing, periodic fevers that shoot up and then come down and a sore throat. This is the 6th day I am feeling very poorly. I called my physician to see if this could be from the shot or if this could be the coronavirus. I am 70 years old with many complex health issues. I am wondering if this is outcome of the shot how long should it continue? I am feeling slightly worse with each passing day. Loss of appetite, under the weather. I need to lie down. I have been using my oxygen. Any recommendations?

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Did you find out if you had COVID, sounds like it?


Got my first dose of Shingrix Nov 20, 2020. Had severe (and weird I must say) arthralgia and myalgia during night for 2 nights straight, essentially slept for 2 days after--flu like but weird enough symptoms I thought I had Covid! Then started to rebound on 3rd day after. Then lips swelled up for 2 days. moving in a circular pattern from bottom lip to top. That cleared up then have had watery diarrhea and not a normal bowel movement since (today is Dec 9). A few days ago the stomach upset was accompanied by swollen left knee and left foot that has the characteristics of gout (which I am familiar with). Can barely walk. So I took a Covid test which came back negative. So either I am having some coincidental acute situation or things have not been the same since the vax.

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@soill Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect, a place to give and get support. It sounds like you may have had a bad reaction to the shingles vaccine.

May I ask if you have contacted your provider regarding your symptoms?


I had the Shingrix vaccine and had a very strong arm for several days along with fatigue and a low grade fever. It did affect my activity and needed more rest. Advil helped. My wife had Shingles after the old vaccine that lasted over a month with extreme pain. Shingrix is supposed to be over 90% effective vs 70% for the older vaccine. I wouopt for the shot vs the disease especially after seeing my wife suffer and will take the second dose in February or March.


On 11/14/2020, I received the first dose of the Shingrix vaccine. I was very tired for 3 days. Immediately after that, it felt like the floor or ground was severely rocking under me when I walked or stood. It felt like trying to walk on a boat in a storm. After two weeks, I had a tele-med visit with a nurse practitioner who said it might be crystals in the inner ear. It continues, but is less severe. Have been mostly housebound, I’ve also had headaches. I read that shingles can cause ear infection or nerve damage, Even now, Dec 12, I sometimes veer to the side when walking, I asked the pharmacist about this ( he gave the injection, did not advise about fatigue ) but he quickly said it was definitely not related to Shingrix. 1. Is there a possible connection? 2. Should I risk the second Shingrix vaccination? I’m loathe to have further damage.


On 11/14/2020, I received the first dose of the Shingrix vaccine. I was very tired for 3 days. Immediately after that, it felt like the floor or ground was severely rocking under me when I walked or stood. It felt like trying to walk on a boat in a storm. After two weeks, I had a tele-med visit with a nurse practitioner who said it might be crystals in the inner ear. It continues, but is less severe. Have been mostly housebound, I’ve also had headaches. I read that shingles can cause ear infection or nerve damage, Even now, Dec 12, I sometimes veer to the side when walking, I asked the pharmacist about this ( he gave the injection, did not advise about fatigue ) but he quickly said it was definitely not related to Shingrix. 1. Is there a possible connection? 2. Should I risk the second Shingrix vaccination? I’m loathe to have further damage.

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Hello Carol, and welcome to Mayo Connect.
We are a community of people with a wide variety of conditions and challenges who share our experiences in hopes of helping each other to live as fully as possible. We are not medical professionals and don not provide diagnoses, but we do share what has worked for us.

Since your NP suggested you may have misplaced crystal in the inner ear, did she suggest any home treatments you could try to relieve the dizziness? Misplaced crystals may give rise to a condition called Benign Paroxysmal Positi0nal Vertigo (BPPV) and there are a variety of exercises you can try to get relief. This article from Johns Hopkins gives a good description of the condition and the most usual therapy to treat it, called the Epley Maneuver:

This is only a guess, but resting for longer hours due to fatigue after the vaccine could have caused crystals to shift in your ear. My episodes of BPPV tend to occur during/after an illness or after spending multiple days in a moving vehicle. I have used the Epley Manuever and others I found on You Tube successfully, sometimes if the dizziness is severe it can take up to 5 sessions to get relief. If this doesn't help, you can call your NP again for more advice.


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