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Scared of pain in PT

Joint Replacements | Last Active: Sep 4, 2018 | Replies (43)

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I had very little cartilage left in my knee and in one area it was bone on bone two years ago. I had stem cell replacement therapy and it worked to help my cartilage regenerate and grow. I had one booster of stem cell about 10 months after the original stem cell treatment. It worked for me and lasted for almost two years. Now my arthritis is growing faster than it ever has. The doctor didn't tell me a couple of weeks ago what degree my knee is just that he felt I had a shot with some other treatments before going the full knee replacement. I did injure it in May and it was really bad. It was swollen to 3 times the size of my regular knee, couldn't bend it and hurt worse than anything that I have had anything ever hurt. I'm sorry that the nerve blocks can't help you, they don't take all my pain away but they do greatly help with my pain. When it was hurt and "angry" so bad in May nothing was helping the inflammation or pain. A friend suggested I go to an acupuncturist that had been practicing for 35 years in the US. I did that out of the need to try anything to ease my pain. Since I had to travel from our small town to her about 100 miles, she had me have two treatments in one day9morning & afternoon) and then return for another the next day. I could tell a slight improvement after the first 2 days of treatment with my pain. After the 3rd week my knee was no longer inflamed, swelling was almost gone and the I was in discomfort not intense pain. I continued these treatments for 6 weeks. These were not covered by my insurance but it was worth every penny to get out of the intense pain and begin to be able to sleep and feel a little more normal. I am certainly not a trained medical person but I do a lot of research online and have several friends that are doctors and APRN's that I have questioned a lot. There are a lot of options to try before going straight into a complete knee replacement if you knee has some cartilage. I have other health issues and go to a Pain Interventional Center where my very favorite doctor ever, is with a Double Boarded in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology. This doctor has been real and honest with me ever though he isn't the oertho doctor but he soes have advanced trained in Interventional Radiology. He reads all my tests! Good luck! Ask lots of question before doing anything!

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Replies to "I had very little cartilage left in my knee and in one area it was bone..."

It is nice that you are able to try the other options. I have good days and bad days, Most days Alieve and Tylenol along with ice and heat help. I don't like to take pain meds unless I am recovering from surgery. I have been reading about different options for helping with pain and my insurance with only cover my PT. They will not cover the other things you suggested, which I think is ridiculous, I feel like doctors tend to give you pain medication, instead of trying some of the other options. I would love to try some of your suggestions, however, I have been out of work since May and am not getting paid, so money is really tight. I am right there with you about asking questions. I want the facts before I make any decisions. I talk with as many people as I can, My PT is very good at answering questions as well. And then people, like yourself. who have been through the same thing. Thank you for sharing. No one has ever mentioned the plasma treatment before.. I will ask about that.

Kidsincollege thanks for information For my inflammation I use Tumeric 400 mg everyday when bad I,ll also drink ginger Tumeric tea from Trader-Joe's it really helps I,ve told alot of people about this.My Left thumb lasted 5yrs after Dr.injected it My right one is still o.k just had it done last year,now that Dr refuses to inject my left thumb. Going to an orthopedic Dr Till then
I wear a brace on it .So far a brace helps my knee I only wear it when needed.The knee isnt in need now its my thu mbs but thanks for information on stem cells