← Return to Meds for cardiomyopathy – Ischemic/Non-Ischemic

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I am a 65 yr old Endurance runner of over 40+ years.In 2016 my performance started to decline and thought was old age. I was healthy and never had any problem with the usual issues of high blood pressure,cv disease or diabetes. In 2012 i had a benign tumor of the stomach removed which never stopped me running. My EF on a stress test was reported as 48 which the Cardiologist considered HF. Here begins my saga he wanted to start me on Lisinopril even though my blood pressure was 98/60 with a heart rate of 52. My EF is now 23 with a laundry of drugs to take. i have had numerous tests for amyloids,sarcodosis,catherization all negative.I am wondering if their is someone out there without ischemia that is improving with this drugs and what these drugs are or should I seek expertise outside traditional medical therapy

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Replies to "I am a 65 yr old Endurance runner of over 40+ years.In 2016 my performance started..."

@nafoyo, welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. You'll notice that I moved your message to this related discussion about managing idiopathic non ischemic cardiomyopathy. I did this so you can meet others like you, such as @heartrunner @thankful @fireguy8891 @danab @archer @yorlik and others.

Nafoyo, what drugs besides lisinopril are you taking? Are you still running?