← Return to Meds for cardiomyopathy – Ischemic/Non-Ischemic

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I am a 48 year old with no past history. Been working as a firefighter for the last 23 years. Also do crossfit 2-3 times a week. I have no medical history, and was on no meds until this diagnosis. I had been to cardiologists several times over the last 20 years. Most recently due to a tachy rhythm several hours after exercise.
I went to the ER, in February, after having chest palpitations and L jaw pain. ER basically ruled out a stemi, and recommended I see a cardiologist, just to be safe. After an echo, diagnosed with Non-ischemic cardiomyopathy, and a lvef of 25-30%. I was not given a cause, though they ruled out coronary artery disease or blockage with an angiogram. I do have mild Left ventricular hypertrophy. Also a left anterior vesicular block.
My cardiologist seems pretty optimistic about my returning to work, and has no problem with me continuing to CrossFit. (I have not as of yet)
I am taking Metoprolol ER 25mg 1/day, losartan 25mg 1/day, and spironolactone 25mg 1/day. She is planning on doing another echo in 3 months to reassess.
1. What are the recommendations for exercise and heart disease?
2. Since starting these meds, my resting heart rate has dropped, but my blood pressure has increased. 118/76 to 140/90 Why?
3. What is the underlying cause? Is it possible, the low ef is due to the block? What other tests would help identify the cause?
4. Why isn’t an echocardiogram used more to rule out causes for symptoms? I feel like I have probably been living with this for years, was just missed due to lack of severe symptoms and fairly “normal” EKGs.
5. What is the probability of my return to firefighting? Anyone else in a strenuous job with a reduced EF?

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Replies to "I am a 48 year old with no past history. Been working as a firefighter for..."

@fireguy8891- I have told that they often call what I had as a Widow Maker because frequently this happens to active people who run and exercise regularly and so when we experience these feelings they are often ignored. The consequence most often ends in death. The pain I felt was extreme so I can't imagine ignoring what I felt, but it would have been way smarter if I chose to call an ambulance rather than have my wife drive me up to the ER.
Even though I was certain I was having a HA all the tests they were running in the ER were showing that I was not presenting?
Once they got the pain managed they told my wife that they planned to admit me and do a stress test in the morning. They brought in a Echo Tech and about 10 minutes later he left the room and returned quickly with the Cardiologist in tow. It was all hand on deck at that point.
I was told I had a EF of about 30% at the time and started up Rehab within a few weeks. Since I was familiar with much of the equipement I started right in with their direction. Bottom line I could'nt wait to get back to the gym so I could begin building up my cardio and strength. I am on both Metoprolol, Lisenipril and Plavix at that time. A year later I was doing real well and had my checkup with the Cardiologist and he had a new Echo done which showed no real change. I was bummed since I had worked so hard. My HA was in 5/14 and now a year later after all that work I was being told no real change!
We spend Aprils down in AZ. so I made an appt. at the Mayo in Scottsdale to have a 2nd opinion. The Cardiologist I was assigned to was excellent and spent most of the day with me as I took several tests. We ended doing a Stress Echo. This Dr. really pushed me, but I had the confidence I was in good hands.
I was on the tredmill for around 20 minutes and started off slow, but he kept asking me can I go higher and I would say yes. We ended at an elevation of 14 and a speed of 5.8. I was jogging hard and that last year never got my heart rate up past 135 with the Beta Blocker. I was at 150+ at the point he had me drop to the bed to take more pictures. Afterwards we met in his office for a 1/2 hr. and he said he would have to do more calcs. but he felt very confidently that I was at more of 145-150 EF. That did wonders for my mindset and was so glad I got that 2nd opinion! Mayo is wonderful!! Jim@thankful