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Body itching

Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: Feb 6 10:22am | Replies (166)

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@gardeningjunkie ...appreciate your tips. I agree soft loose cotton clothes are a help...I'll have to look for better house garments. I dont get pustules...rather I get papules. Sometimes they scab. Dr prescribed so much stuff, I would have to try first before introducing anything else. One is the steroid cream and wet wraps. Then 3 different oral meds as needed . She was ADAMANT about NOT using anything but Vanicream on my skin...the soap, cream, and I got the shampoo and conditioner, since I get the rash on lower scalp also. I've read all your posts on G.D. I'll say I'm very touched by some of things you wrote,and the misery you experienced. I know all too well...been there, and going through it. I'm happy your getting relief, and pray we never get a bad bout ever again.
I'm kinda glad for a diagnosis...and very happy for remedies...however, I feel brushed off, like it's just an ordinary rash, no big deal, no cure. Just live with it. It's a lonely feeling, sad in a way...I just push myself through the sleepless nights, not going to mention the tormenting symptoms, then go about my usual day while feeling miserable..yet no one really knows. I prefer not to walk around revealing my symptoms, and like you, I also love to be independent. Once in awhile I'll ask my husband to apply the meds on my back but I usually do the best I can. I like your spoon idea.
Oh well, is what it is, and hopefully next time I'll get a more careful dr. Stay well!!!


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Replies to "@gardeningjunkie ...appreciate your tips. I agree soft loose cotton clothes are a help...I'll have to look..."

I wish you the best and must admit I understand how you feel about getting a diagnosis with a name, at least now we have a name for our tormenter and can start thoroughly researching it. Also we understand why we get our symptoms. Yet what will frustrate you is that even with our best attention this chronic disease will return, it's just the way it is. The torso cells have lost the collagen that holds them together. You'll have to seek sympathy here form us. Like you make every effort to not burden others with my health, it truly is boring for others to listen to, nothing they can do and I don't want to drive them away.
Wish Vanicream soap worked for rme, it should, because it doesn't have my allergens in the soap ingredients but still my skin feels itchy when I use it. Bring a bar of Grandma's Lye Soap for face and body, sold on Amazon into your derms office next time. Just 2 safe ingredients, Lye and Lard and as mentioned the Lye is converted into glycerin in the soap making process. Google the Vanicream unscented cleansing bar, over 12 ingredients. Also Vanicream is twice the price. I keep a bar of Grandma's at each house sink and one in my purse. Price still not a big issue, but remember Vanicream sends reps out, provides free samples and solicites dermatologist, buys the entire office lunch and gives them freebies and this is expensive. Not saying it's a bad product, but just learn to read ingredients yourself and make a decision. Expensive isn't always better. I've been using Grandma's for 3 1/2 years now and just recently Mayo added it to their new Skin Safe product line. I was surprised when soap came with this info on the new labels. I love it as shampoo too. Yet not enough money in this for those good looking, well dressed reps who come wheeling in their product samples to take up our doctors time to send out reps for Grandma's.
If you are getting rashes on other parts of your body, forgive me for asking again, but have you had the 5 Day Extended Patch Test? I have 3 forms of eczema and each is unique with different triggers and treatments or avoidances. Your scalp itch may be Allergic Contact Dermatitis, ACD, this was my greatest tormentor I spent my sleepless nights planning the best way to kill myself while laying in bed suffering, but no more because of test results in which I learned what contact I must avoid for the rest of my life. Those of us with eczema often have multiple forms of eczema.