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Replies to "Hi again everyone...I wanted to report back to let those of you who so kindly responded..."
Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: Feb 6 10:22am | Replies (166)
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Replies to "Hi again everyone...I wanted to report back to let those of you who so kindly responded..."
Trust me if you do have Grover's you will be miserable, it is serious and chronic, it's not just itchy, you will be unable to put any pressure on torso afflicted area- can't even lean back in a chair or carseat. When broken out I hunch over to drive. Fortunately for me my sides have always been clear and I learned to sleep on one side and to never move. Grover's is just one of my types of eczema, sadly not much immediate help with breakout of torso- front and back. Even steroids don't help me. I have found 2 treatments that seem to lessen severity however that could be coincidental as many find future breakouts are not as sever. However many tips on how to stall a breakout as heat, sweat and friction trigger breakouts. All my outdoor hobbies- off roading in a bouncing Jeep, rock collecting, gardening any time of the year on so on have been curtailed. I now must be back inside with air conditioning by 10 am to stall next break out. So early gardening is a must. My first outbreak lasted 1 year which is typical, now 3 years later my breakouts have only lasted about 6 months and then I get a break for about 5 months. Praise be I have been in remission now for 1 1/2 months! That being said my biopsy was negative as it must taken at a specific stage of breakout and my pustules were not emerging, but had been there a while. Yet, no doubt I have this form as I meet 5 of 6 commonalities, the 6th is that the majority of sufferers are male.So pay attention to your symptoms even if biopsy negative. Still one can adjust as now I joined a bookclub, spend more time cooking and working on sewing projects. At least I can always sit or stand! Most of all I have learned to appreciate every pain free day!