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Bronchiectasis: New Diagnosis

MAC & Bronchiectasis | Last Active: Apr 15, 2023 | Replies (382)

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@danielad @windwalwindwalker @pfists @tdrell

Good morning! 😃 I thank God for another day!

Two questions:

1) How many folks have been diagnosed originally with mild bronchiectasis, then have it progress to moderate or severe, and over what period of time? I know we’re all different, but just curious.

2) I’ve been diagnosed with mild Bronchiectasis & colonized with MAC since 2016. This year m. Abscessus, Candida albicans and now Mucor have shown up. But I’ve never been AFB positive until this last sputum culture. Any thoughts on this? Is the AFB + a sign disease is progressing? I’m waiting on CT & sinus scan results right now.

Thanks any and all for your input. Keep on steppin’!

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Replies to "@danielad @windwalwindwalker @pfists @tdrell Good morning! 😃 I thank God for another day! Two questions: 1)..."

I too had mycobacterium Abcessus....but by the grace of God it is gone without antibiotics. To my understanding its a fast growing one which is treated more aggressivly with maybe Iv's at first and longer treatment.
I had really bad sinus problems then upon a sinus scan we decided surgery was needed. Not sure if this is an option for you if you have an active infection with myco Abcessus in the sinus cavity sinus surgery may not be an option.
But the surgery was the best thing ever I don't have sinus problems anymore. The sinus canal was made larger to help with any drainage. My sinus area was completely blocked off before surgery. I could not smell anything for years prior. Now I can smell things again.
Be careful of the water you use in the sinus area to my understanding even distilled water can have mac. Hope this info helps and you and your Drs find a successful course of action.

@brigby Geeze! That doesn't sound good that you are getting infected with multiple bacteriums. Has your dr mentioned you being immunodeficient? There is treatment for that. I was diagnosed with mild bronchiectasis many yrs ago and remain in that stage now. I have COPD that is diagnosed in the severe range (although I do not feel that it is severe). Question, what is AFB?

Hi. I was diagnosed with mild bronchiectasis in 2005 but was stable and functioning
Very well until 2014. Then I had bad bronchitis with bad asthma every quarter until it became more frequent. By 2017 I was on antibiotics almost every other month. Got hospitalized for pneumonia. Diagnosed positive for aspergillosis and treated for six months. Diagnosed for low immune system
And given immunoglobulin monthly shots. But still I was sick and getting worse.
Finally in June 2018 I was hospitalized for 17 days to be given a 14 day two strong antibiotics by ivy, and a bronchoscopy and lavage. Still they could
Not find any definite bacteria. I was scheduled to fly to singapore for a lung biopsy
When my pulmonologist had me tested for autoimmune disease. I tested positive and now on steroids and immunosuppressant drugs. Definitely my downhill went
Uphill .. slowly but surely. Your symptoms of low grade fever and extreme fatigue was what I had... together with the hacking cough and green phlegm. This kind of autoimmune is rare . It is not lupus ... really immune system attacking the lungs primarily. So from asthma, then bronchiectasis, then interstitial pneumonitis, then aspergillosis (ABPA), then low immune system, then MAC, and now autoimmune system attacking the lungs. This is how my COPD progressed from a childhood illness of asthma. As the others, I avoid seasonal and environmental allergens / triggers. Bec of autoimmune I also have to avoid fatigue, a strong trigger for a flare up. But I am able to live a relatively normal life.
I’m female 71 y/o, retired, and live in the Philippines.