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As a result of chronic pancreatitis and the resultant decrease in my Pancreas' ability to produce digestive enzymes, I was put on 40 mg. of omeprazole twice a day. I think I took that dose for 6-8 years and then read this: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/common-heartburn-drugs-linked-with-kidney-disease/. I always assumed there were reasons that all manufacturers of PPI's (proton pump inhibitors - Prilosec, Nexium, Prevacid) recommended that one should not take for longer than 14 days without seeing a doctor. The most immediate concern being a masking of a potentially dangerous issue with bleeding ulcers and other problems high levels of acid could cause. I stopped taking the medication cold turkey and did not experience any type of withdrawal symptoms. I occasionally take ranitidine (zantac) as it works by a different mechanism, but only when necessary. I don't know if others will experience withdrawals, but if I were determined to stop and my physician was not supportive, I would talk with my pharmacist about the best method of withdrawing.
Good luck to anyone trying to withdraw,

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Replies to "As a result of chronic pancreatitis and the resultant decrease in my Pancreas' ability to produce..."

Ranitidine was taken off the market, so hopefully you do not take it any longer.