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CBD oil for Neuropathy

Neuropathy | Last Active: Aug 20, 2023 | Replies (460)

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Hello @carryme, welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Thank you for posting. I too wish stem cell treatment was available but it's really not there yet and there have been no documented clinical trials for stem cell therapy for treating neuropathy that I have seen. I went to a meeting last August at the Minnesota Neuropathy Association where we had a guest speaker talking about stem cell therapy. There are a lot of areas where it is a viable treatment and offers a lot of excitement for those that can afford it and get it but neuropathy is not one of them. I've attached my notes from that meeting. Here is part of the notes on stem cell therapy for neuropathy.

Outlook for Treating Peripheral Neuropathy
-- Stem cell transplantation remains largely at the pre-clinic stage
-- Proper stem cell homing and migration remain a concern
-- Stem cell transplantation has shown some benefit but is still inferior to nerve repair with conventional techniques
-- Pre-clinical and eventually clinical studies comparing different types of stem cell are needed
-- Optimal Schwann cell differentiation has yet to be achieved A little explanation for the last bullet:

The Wound Microenvironment Reprograms Schwann Cells to Invasive Mesenchymal-like Cells to Drive Peripheral Nerve Regeneration

The repair Schwann cell and its function in regenerating nerves

Here are a few more articles:

FDA Warns About Stem Cell Therapies (Nov 2017)
-- https://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm286155.htm

Concise Review: Stem Cell Therapies for Neuropathic Pain (from 2013)
-- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3667564/

I would love to see some clinical trials on stem cell therapy for peripheral neuropathy or any neuropathy for that matter. @carryme are you able to share a little more about your diagnosis?

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Replies to "Hello @carryme, welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Thank you for posting. I too wish stem cell..."

Hello John ,
I am so happy to come to this group and make your acquaintance .
Out of all the groups I have joined you sir seem to be the most knowledgeable !
You are right about stem cell therapy .i see no one on the news claiming to be cured from any stem cell treatments . I came across a you tube interview with joe Rogan and Mel Gibson claiming that Mel Gibson’s 90 year old father who had every imaginable problem that a 90 year old could have .he had stem cell treatment and Mel Gibson claimed his father had recovered . I just didn’t understand what motive Mel Gibson would have to promote the stem cell therapy after all he’s a multi millionaire .
You mentioned nerve repair using conventional techniques . Could you share some more about that ?
I had an accident in the gym 11 years ago that put me in the hospital for 4 days with severe back pain , my back pain subsided and the only issue I had was nerve damage going through my groin into my inner left knee . For all 11 years it felt as if my knee was going to explode . I had going to PT and the physical therapist could actually see my shorts moving when the nerve would jump at my knee , last year I started feeling the tingling and numbness in my left Foot and started to have back and hip pain . The hip pain became so bad I opted for back surgery after my back surgeon told me it would fix me right up in all actuality it made things worse .
Now I have the tingling and the numbing in my right foot and sometimes in my hands .
I will post some of the links I have come across regarding stem cell therapy in my next post and hopefully we can discuss this even more , I do know that I came across a recent you tube video from the Mayo Clinic on stem cell therapy . I’m I remember it was dated this January

Unfortunately I’m not allowed to post links as of right now but the one that you might want to look at on YouTube is Joe Rogan interviews Mel Gibson

I know that these are controversial but I believe we as a group can move things ahead faster .
The one that gave me the greatest hope is the Mel Gibson interview . Just for the life of me could not understand why some one like him would come on a little pod cast show and promote this treatment
I truly believe big pharmaceutical can not let any of these stem cell treatment to come about