← Return to Osteoporosis treatment or strontium citrate?

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My jaws are my weakest spot. I cannot speak about Prolia, but I think you might agree with some that I say. It's not easy to take a drug with so many side effects after you've been really ill. You start to question ingredients. I tried Fosamax and had jaw problems from the beginning and had to stop taking it. I did nothing for a while, and of course, my osteoporosis got worse. My overalll DEXA score was -5.7. I was starting to fracture. I started eating to get calcium, magnesium, and I supplemented to get Vitamins D3 and K2 (mk4 mk7). I added collagen peptides. I tried taking strontium, but did not get help. And then I started taking boron. I took a tiny dose of boron for about a year. ALL of my pain from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and fibbromyalgia went away. Then I upped the dose to 18 - 21 mg per day and the pain I used to get from my "dowager's hump" disappeared. Boron is the key to stopping osteoporosis. RBG was famous for having osteoporosis and she went everywhere with her prunes as prunes are high in boron. Though I have heard you cannot get enough boron from prunes and live to tell the tale. I'm going to wait to see if this dose is effective. If I need to go higher, I want to understand the relationship of estrogen increase because of taking more boron. I had an appointment to get Prolia about two years ago. I wanted to discuss the side effects with the doctor. She said I was wasting her time and she left the room. I told her about the jaw problems with Fosamax and she admitted I would have the same problems. I did some research including talking to women who had suffered side effects from Prolia. I just couldn't take it. After I decided not to take it, I learned that "allegedly" Prolia traps old bone and won't let it leave the area, so it piles up and makes your bones look thicker. This gets labeled as bone growth. But if you doctor is being straight with you, s/he will admit that if you stop using Prolia, all that "bone growth"will be gone as soon as you stop using Prolia. You will finally be able to pee away the dead bone. I'm sure that is oversimplified, but that is the way I learned about it. You have to do what you think is best. I gav\e up eating sugar almost six years ago, and that is also worth doing if you have osteoporosis. Going off sugar was the smartest thing I ever did for my body. As soon as my doctor clears me to get another DEXA Scan, I will let you know if I improved. (I don't have an immune system and she doesn't want me to take a risk.). I am no longer fracturing - so there is that (knock on wood). Some of the ideas I got were from membership in another group, and then I did research on my own to see if there was any truth to what they were saying. A functional doctor is what you are looking for, but they are not covered by most insurances and they can be expensive. There is a functional doctor near me that does take my insurance - but she requires $1,500 up front unit your insurance kicks in and I cannot afford that. You probably will not find a medical doctor (except for a functional doctor) who will discuss strontium or boron. They may not even know what they are! I encourage you to do as much research as you can. That's what I've been doing and I know I'm on the right track for my body now.
I wish us all the best luck. This disease is a stinker!

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Replies to "My jaws are my weakest spot. I cannot speak about Prolia, but I think you might..."

@parrotqueen Good to hear from you I just used my Boron and eat prunes like RBG I hope whoever whether Amy C Barret or whoever will be as forceful as RBG

Hello parrotqueen, wow, I can relate to so much of what you said and your journey. How are you doing? I am so far behind on posts! Please forgive.

Could you please describe to me what bones you have fractured, how each broke, how badly each hurt individually and for how long and how long did it take for them to heal. I know I'm asking a lot and I completely understand if you aren't comfortable giving out this information. No worries. 😊

I am 67.9 years old and have "severe" (bc I 've fractured 3 pelvic, 1 rib spontaneously) osteoporosis. I take Prednisone and a demodifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) daily. Both are immunosuppressants.

My recent DEXA scan showed my spine is 13% worse and hip 14%. The report says that changes more than 2‰ are considered significant. I think they were - 3.5 and 3.7? I don't feel well enough to get up and look right now.

I lost a ton of weight by eating a very low calorie diet for about 3 years and only recently learned that is the worst thing I could have done for osteoporosis! I had zero dairy that whole time!! 😲

My Endocrinologists have wanted me to take a bisphosphonate but I can't bring myself to do it after learning how many potential horrible side- effects there can be. Some are serious! The mere description of "severe debilitating" muscle /joint /bone pain & flu-like symptoms would just be doubling up on ny current pain not counting my pretty much head to toe neuropathy pain (sting, burn & feels like I'm missing top layer of skin)!

I learned about a great supplement from a blog member here and without a doubt I'm changing my bone supplement for this one for several reasons.

It's made by AOR company in Canada. It has everything you mentioned, including boron, but not strontium bc it should be taken 2 hours after or before calcium and on an empty stomach! So I biught their Strontium too.

It sounds like you've been through so much my heart feels so heavy for you. Please know that I will be praying for you to be relieved and to experience the comfort of God and His peace through Christ which surpasses human understanding.
In Christ's unfathomable love, Sunnyflower. 😊🌹🙏💗 @imatine @lioness

parrotqueen, I'm glad you have discovered boron and utilize a supplement with boron containing foods. I believe you will see the same benefit from foods, if not more, containing Activator-X. Sufficient magnesium to activate vitamin D and thiamine (B1) plays a major role in these nutrients becoming bioactive as well as a staggering number of other critical functions. Sadly, adequate levels are not in many diets and often supplements used have low absorption levels. Krispin shares her valuable magnesium information in the link below. And also don't leave out vitamin C ! Always consult your health care professional before using any supplement.
