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Not a problem Migizii. I started taking 3 mg boron two or three times a day for osteoporosis, and noticed I got pretty close to zero pain from fibromyalgia and arthritis (I have both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis - and could barely use my hands for anything - and I've had five hip replacements and my shoulder has been done twice). Boron is a trace mineral that - according to legend - was more plentiful before the soil became depleted by over-farming. The upper limit in humans for boron is 20 mg a day, so we are staying well short of that. I have some printed stuff about boron, but it is quite lengthy (a bit long in the tooth if you ask me). Many of the people are using Borax instead - it is supposed to be better but I don't understand why. They put one-eighth teaspoon Borax in a liter of water and drink that. I have some material that talks about how that is dosed but if you want to get more information, the best place to get it is from the Borax group on Facebook. If you are on Facebook, do a search to Borax and it will come up - along with a fuzzy picture of the 20 Mule Team Borax box. You have to apply to get into any of these groups because otherwise they get taken over by trolls or bots or whatever is out there. They just ask you a couple of questions to make sure you are a human being. As to the brand, I'm using NOW, but there are some that are cheaper. It is, after all, just Borax. I would start with one or two a day - and see how it goes. I feel best using three 3 mg capsules per day in the winter; I plan to go down to 2 mg per day in summer, using it mainly for OA, RA, and FMS. I don't think it is the magic bullet for osteoporosis. I think K2 (mk4 mk7) might be the key. I'm going to get a DEXA scan in about 2-3 months - so I'll find out, I guess. I was -5.7 two years ago. I haven't been fracturing for about a year now.

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Replies to "Not a problem Migizii. I started taking 3 mg boron two or three times a day..."

@parrotqueen @migizii According to this article, Borax should not be ingested.

@parrotqueen @migizii According to what I have read, Borax ix not meant to be ingested and is not safe to use in that manner.

Hi Parrotqueen, We had a very entertaining African Gray for 25 years. Walter (actually a girl) adored my husband and wouldn't let me near except when we experienced 2 earthquakes. Before developing severe osteoporosis, after a car accident, I developed fibromyalia. I thought that lifting weights the majority of my life and walking 4 miles a day would help to prevent illness. Sadly, I was mistaken. I am currently on bone supplements and a daily injection of Tymlos. Also, my functional doctor gives me magnetic treatments. He wants me off the Tymlos, but my bone density score is 4.3 in my spine and hip. My bone specialist told me falling would be fatal. My best option is the daily shots. Your reply to Migizili about boron intrigued me. I would appreciate knowing who your supplier is so that I could be assured the supplement is pure. Thanks, so much, for your input. It is very valuable to so many of us suffering from similar medical conditions! Curly Locks 🙂

Thank you so much for this information. So, from what you’re saying, I could take this in supplement form and possibly get some pain relief! I so appreciate your suggestions!