Headaches Without A Name

Posted by Gem @gemmax, May 8, 2018

Approximately one month ago, just as I was drifting off to sleep I began to have sharp pains in the left side of my head just above the temple.( I know what a migraine is and this is not one. I had severe migraines from 12 yrs old until 54 years old.) This pain in my head got worse until it seemed unbearable.I still have the headpain. Pain medication helps some for awhile,but nothing makes it go away completely.I am also dizzy. The two doctors that I have seen seem to think that it has something to do with sllergies or is a migraine of some kind.I went for my regular dental checkup and the dentist discovered a cracked wisdom tooth that will have to be removed or have a crown. It is the bottom tooth on the same side as the head pain. There is also pain in my neck and ear on the same side. Has anyone had anything like this? I have Sjogren’s, temporal lobe epilepsy and several other illnesses..Could it be the tooth causing this? The dentist told me that the nerve for that tooth is extensive. I am going to have the work done on Friday. The headpain was so severe when it began that I thought that I was having some sort of event. Any ideas or similar headaches?

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@lioness, @oregongirl, @ @gailb,@parus @jewel8888 everyone who posted here.Thank you so much for your great caring hearts. I’m still in pain, and still don’t have the answer, but perhaps soon.I ‘m going back to bed grateful for people who care and understand.. I will let you all know as soon as I know anything and get any real relief. Bless you all.

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I wish you well. I am not aware of what you are taking for pain. If you already shared this, I am sorry. When you get time tomorrow, please share with me if you can.


@lioness, @oregongirl, @ @gailb,@parus @jewel8888 everyone who posted here.Thank you so much for your great caring hearts. I’m still in pain, and still don’t have the answer, but perhaps soon.I ‘m going back to bed grateful for people who care and understand.. I will let you all know as soon as I know anything and get any real relief. Bless you all.

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@lioness Thank you for your suggestions. I have an eye appt Monday and wednesday an appointment with the Pain doc. I have neurologlist that i see from time to time and the pain doc can get me in faster than i can, so I’m going to let him handle that and scedule a scan. The ENT that I had been sent too did not help at all.He said I didn't have an infection..then last night woke up in the middle of the night coughing up what i will call green/brown slime. I think it came from my sinuses draining post nasal. Anyway, now I can't get my anti-bio refilled until Monday..The drugstore is closed on the weekend here.If I have a sinus infection,it i dandy.


@lioness, @oregongirl, @ @gailb,@parus @jewel8888 everyone who posted here.Thank you so much for your great caring hearts. I’m still in pain, and still don’t have the answer, but perhaps soon.I ‘m going back to bed grateful for people who care and understand.. I will let you all know as soon as I know anything and get any real relief. Bless you all.

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@gem It sounds like sinus I use Vicks save around head not under eyes but above eyes and temple also just behind ears this helps me with sinus pressure maybe that's what it is.I keep Sudafed for sinus when I get a headache


@gemmax. Your welcome friend, anytime. I was really concerned about headaches from taking isonizid antibiotic for latent tb infection. I've had a few very minor ones and my stomach has started to tolerate it. Not eating for three hours in the middle of the day and unable to tske methotrexate is getting to me. Im stsrting to whine.


I cannot tolerate methotrexate. Others RA patience swear by the drug. Not me. Pill form I become I'll and cannot tolerate food. Injection , I am feeling like I have the flu.


@jewel8888 Unbelievably, the awful pain came back today...except it is not really in that tooth, although that tooth aches some.it is excruiating pain in my entire face, my neck the left side of my head. I have to say,I was feeling quite desparate most of the day as nothing helped.I made an appointment with my pain doc,and my eye doc but. they are early next week. Finally, about an hour ago, i put my large frozen mud pack (those blue soft ones) on my lower back and a smaller one on my eyes after taking my pain dose. and here i am able to comunicate again. It is a bit easier finally. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Gem

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@gailb I will do that. Not to worry, my husband will make me (smile)


@lioness, @oregongirl, @ @gailb,@parus @jewel8888 everyone who posted here.Thank you so much for your great caring hearts. I’m still in pain, and still don’t have the answer, but perhaps soon.I ‘m going back to bed grateful for people who care and understand.. I will let you all know as soon as I know anything and get any real relief. Bless you all.

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@lioness I think Vicks helps too and menthol lozenges. The ENT told me to get one of the allergy meds and “try” it knowing that I have Sjogren’s. I have tried them in the past and been unable to get my eyes open in the morning, they get so dryfrom those meds. Sorry, I don't mean to be grumpy.


@lioness, @oregongirl, @ @gailb,@parus @jewel8888 everyone who posted here.Thank you so much for your great caring hearts. I’m still in pain, and still don’t have the answer, but perhaps soon.I ‘m going back to bed grateful for people who care and understand.. I will let you all know as soon as I know anything and get any real relief. Bless you all.

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@oregongirl I ’m really limited on what I can take. because I am diabetic...some tylenol, a little ibuprophen ibuprofen,some gabapentin. I am really senstivie to pain meds, so try to do anything but, unless I have no choice.


@lioness, @oregongirl, @ @gailb,@parus @jewel8888 everyone who posted here.Thank you so much for your great caring hearts. I’m still in pain, and still don’t have the answer, but perhaps soon.I ‘m going back to bed grateful for people who care and understand.. I will let you all know as soon as I know anything and get any real relief. Bless you all.

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@gemmax no problem Besides allergy,sinus,Dry mouth ,Dry nose ,Dry eyes so it's a guessing game I'm never lonely lol If your tooth is that sensitive why don't you have it pulled out infected clothing good it can go into your blood.


@lioness, @gail, @oregongirl, @parus, @jewel8888, and all others who have helped me with this pain. I haven;t been ablate participate much in past several days as I have been at hospital,lab,dentist,eye dr, ENT, and pain clinic. I am currently in a trial for drug. for 5 days and in the meantime scheduled for an MRI and other tests. They were not pleased by the challenges to my gait and coordination and want to be sure that they are simply a part of my autoimmune problems. I m going to try to rest as much as possible while this is all scheduled and taken care of and I wanted to thank all of you and let you know what is happening. You have all been so supportive. I will be in touch when I know more. Hopefully I’ll be back soon in better shape and able to help once again.Gem..

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