Headaches Without A Name
Approximately one month ago, just as I was drifting off to sleep I began to have sharp pains in the left side of my head just above the temple.( I know what a migraine is and this is not one. I had severe migraines from 12 yrs old until 54 years old.) This pain in my head got worse until it seemed unbearable.I still have the headpain. Pain medication helps some for awhile,but nothing makes it go away completely.I am also dizzy. The two doctors that I have seen seem to think that it has something to do with sllergies or is a migraine of some kind.I went for my regular dental checkup and the dentist discovered a cracked wisdom tooth that will have to be removed or have a crown. It is the bottom tooth on the same side as the head pain. There is also pain in my neck and ear on the same side. Has anyone had anything like this? I have Sjogren’s, temporal lobe epilepsy and several other illnesses..Could it be the tooth causing this? The dentist told me that the nerve for that tooth is extensive. I am going to have the work done on Friday. The headpain was so severe when it began that I thought that I was having some sort of event. Any ideas or similar headaches?
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@gem are you o.k.?let us know
@gem yes go to E.E if your not better feel your pulse if not regular go now
@gailb if you hear from Gem will you let me know and I,'ll do same
Yes, I'll let you know. I hope all is well. Her husband is there, so that's good to know. Thanks, Gail, Volunteer Mentor
I agree with Gail. When I had my heart attack, I did not even know I had it. I felt sick to my stomach but that was it. Please be safe and get checked out. Not worth messing around with, and best to be checked out.
@gailb Thanks Gail When I got her email I should of told her to go the e.r. glad you did
Actually it was your post asking her if she had any other pain in her left side that triggered my concern about the possibility of her having heart problems Thanks, Gail, Volunteer Mentor
@Gail let's pray she is o.k.
@lioness, @oregongirl, @ @gailb,@parus @jewel8888 everyone who posted here.Thank you so much for your great caring hearts. I’m still in pain, and still don’t have the answer, but perhaps soon.I ‘m going back to bed grateful for people who care and understand.. I will let you all know as soon as I know anything and get any real relief. Bless you all.
@gem glad to hear from you theres just a few suggestions I have ,neurologist,CAT scan ,chiropractor I gave you ,eyes,hope you feel better yes let us know Linda