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Complications with Statins

Heart & Blood Health | Last Active: Jun 10 10:26am | Replies (47)

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Hi Peach. Figuring out who/what Institution to trust for any specific health concern is BRUTAL. I did the search for needed heart surgery a few months ago and hit brick walls, obfuscation, and anger when I asked qualifying questions from a number of surgical groups and surgical centers. I was thoroughly rejected by a local hospital, complete with a nssty letter from their attorey who siaaid I was not welcome at their hospital. I have no great answers to give you except to research the US Health News re: specific Institutions like the Mayo Clinic: https://health.usnews.com/best-hospitals/area/mn/mayo-clinic-6610451 At the end of my lengthy process, I bet my life with the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota due to the Institution's reputation, not because I was able to get details about any specific suregeons. My damn difficult surgery went well...over 10 hours on the table. BTW, Mayo/Rochester is like a 5 Star Hotel...pretty incredible facilities and talent all over the place...even the food was quite good. I empathize with you regarding your research.

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Replies to "Hi Peach. Figuring out who/what Institution to trust for any specific health concern is BRUTAL. I..."

I appreciated your candor on this topic .... a serious challenge in my experience as well ...