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Adults On The Autism Spectrum

Autism (ASD) | Last Active: Apr 9 8:06am | Replies (1151)

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@lioness , @gingerw, wouldn't it be fun to instantly transport to one another's home base, and go for that walk together....to watch the mother deer and her babies. To sit on the front porch and drink our morning cup of deliciousness in silence. Each one reflecting in her own way the life that has been given us.

We can do this in just this way. How this works is beyond me. But I hold this rectangle of plastic and metal in my hand, looking at words I typed yesterday. They appear today, and somehow, words from other beautiful souls appear, all with names I have grown to love and appreciate. I do have a life outside this small, metal box. Living, breathing people who are related to me either by marriage or birth. Most of my time is devoted to them.

Yet I return here time after time, checking to see how @merpreb is doing. Wondering if @john has posted another one of his funny posts that makes me laugh . Hoping to catch a glimpse of @Colleen, or @lisalucier , or @parus. And many more.

Connection is so important. There are varied ways of being connected. Add to that the many levels or stages of friendship and it almost parallels the multiverses my sci-fi loving husband speaks about. Dimensions, parallel universes, where each of us has a mirror imaged version of ourselves.

Enjoy that person today. Whoever he or she is, whatever part of you needs to express herself/himself, rest in that moment. Do you feel.led to do more self care today? By all means, go for it! Do you feel inclined to visit at the Retirement Home, and share a smile, a song, or gently tell someone you are there for them? Yes! Your efforts there will go far in putting a smile on someone's face. Maybe they haven't had a visitor all week. You can make a difference, today.

Maybe you are the one in the nursing home. You haven't had a visit from family in so long you can't remember even what season it was. Instead of walking down misery road, thinking of all the times you were there for them....and yet they seem to have forgotten all about you....could you, could we remember the small things that give us joy? They are still there. Can we begin to replace those bits of regret and loneliness with small touches of love,and light?

I'm preaching to myself, here. But if any of this resonates with you, welcome. We are in good company. And what a lovely group we are! We are not alone.

And we are better together.

Mamacita Jane

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Replies to "@lioness , @gingerw, wouldn't it be fun to instantly transport to one another's home base, and..."

Mostly I have our lurked on this page and smiled because I do not want to be the person who has every problem. But I love you all, and I might even have run across one of you years ago on an old forum called instructables. We had an aspie page where we would talk shortly before I was diagnosed. I will be forever grateful to the people there, I was the token female on that page, and when one passed away, I was so heartbroken, I never returned. I was diagnosed with aspergers in my forties, I am now in my fifties.
Once I had the answers why and learned I was not alone in a sea of strangers, somehow it was easier to see things differently, and have a different understanding of the world than those around me. I damaged my own ears as a child because, well you know why, I was four, I still hear well enough that most people would never know, now I can live with the noises. I can’t do groups of people, my perfect number is three people. I can be in a crowded place but still be within my own little group of three, that is a learned skill for me. My feelings and tolerances have changed quite a bit, since I found some commonality and an some explanation. This has also been facilitated by being basically unemployed outside the home, which means less masking more choosing. I even learned to be silly and have a little fun with those I feel comfortable with. I still mask a lot with many but I surround myself with animals and people I trust, who understand who I am.
My husband of almost 23 years is amazing and has always loved me no matter what I became laser focused on learning. I have multiple degrees because I couldn’t move on until I learned every bit of information I could on a topic that piqued my interest. My husband and I both have or have had cancer and all of the long term issues that go with it. Yes, I find it sad, but I also find it fascinating which some think is morbid, but information is the best weapon so that is ok with us.
Thank you for being here, I am remembering the woman who hesitantly reached out on a forum and was infused with information and acceptance, and believing that this is a place like that. We are better together.

@mamacita Yes, connection is important and vital on many levels. I can always come here and benefit in some way. I do self talk daily and try to keep it positive, encouraging, kind and grateful.
My daily duties require psyching myself up. Endeavoring to be my own best friend rather than my own worst enemy.