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Overmedication with cancer and other conditions

Head & Neck Cancer | Last Active: Sep 23, 2018 | Replies (62)

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@jaler I keep my husband's drug list on the computer (sample attached). Anytime he adds/subtracts a med I can easily change the list. I print a few copies to keep with us and present it to the receptionist at every doctor's appt. While the Mayo Pharmacy would have safeguards for drug interactions for the prescriptions they fill, I wouldn't expect them to keep up with prescriptions filled elsewhere.

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Replies to "@jaler I keep my husband's drug list on the computer (sample attached). Anytime he adds/subtracts a..."

I am going to do this today! Great idea. I've been keeping it all in my head (less space up there all the time, ha ha). Also, this would help my husband so he would have access to his drug list. He relies on me but I wasn't at an appointment it could be dangerous. Thank you!

I keep ours on my hard drive, too,and check my list with the Mayo list at each visit but I don’t know whether anyone at Mayo ever looks at the list to determine drug interactions.


@gaybinator I do the same so that I don't have to drag bottles around to Dr.'s visits or try to remember and write it all out on their tiny spaced form. I do the same thing with all the procedures and surgeries I have had in the past dozen years as I could never remember dates and I would likely leave out some surgeries w/out my list. I have a similar drug list that I use to prepare my weekly drugs by the day/night every Saturday morning when not much else is happening. I would b=never get it right each day otherwise. If I happen to be medicated more than normal, my wife helps me make sure I get it right, so she does not have to worry about what I take while she is at work. I wish all of that was not necessary, but better safe than sorry.

I do the same thing, as I did when my mother was alive, for her. It keeps it simple and accurate.