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Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Mar 6, 2023 | Replies (200)

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@joanm65 Would that I had an answer. I have read what others do and the suggestions are insightful. Also reading these various ways that others deal with anxiety I can see where it sounds so easy-not so when in the midst of a full blown panic attack. Personally speaking when I am in this terrifying place bringing a happy place to the surface-well, this does not work for me. Once in this place there are boogey men everywhere and breathing becomes seemingly impossible. This is not a "happy place" and the best I can do is "try" to remember I have been in this scary place many times before and lived through it. I will admit that even this does not help immediately. I cannot always leave my home and there are times even my home does not feel safe.
I have lived with this for years and I feel like such a weak person when I have these silly (this I tell myself) attacks. There are times when everything is far too big to face. Having someone else near only frightens me more-if this makes sense. Being honest. I hope you one day can learn how to handle these attacks better. After many years I am still learning and still struggle. Therapy helps some people.
Be kind and gentle with yourself.

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Replies to "@joanm65 Would that I had an answer. I have read what others do and the suggestions..."

I am so sorry about your health conditions. Panic attacks are very different from anxiety attacks. I have Ptsd, long covid and anxiety disorder.

For me I can practice some of the suggested ideas above during anxiety attacks. During panic attacks the fight or flight takes over the body- for me- and I am left powerless. Many times I hide so I feel safe or lock myself in a room so that I know where I am. Sometimes in panic attacks I experience loss of control of environment. My service dog can sense these events before they happen. I did not always have her and am so grateful for the lifeline she offers.
After a panic attack I tend to take a cold shower and go under a heated blanket. The cold shower does reset me once the attack has subsided.
Sometimes I just smell a candle or something comforting.
Its ok to not be ok- fight or flight response or triggers are a way our bodies adjusted to staying safe.
I suffered abuse until 26. I am 34 now - in therapy, on medications and EMDR treatment. These all help but panic and anxiety attacks still happen.
I try to move myself to a safe place and I find thats what helps me the most.
Sending hope your way- you are a warrior- strong and a survivor. Even when you feel out of control- it does not make you less of a person.
I believe no pain is wasted. Whenever I can I share my experiences with others that struggle. The more I accept myself the more I do not feel defined by health conditions.