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Alternatives for pain management

Chronic Pain | Last Active: Nov 28, 2020 | Replies (258)

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Welcome to the Mayo Connect community. I'm a Volunteer Mentor and am not a medical professional and cannot give medical diagnosis or medical solutions to problems. I do offer my experience, knowledge, and support for members of the community. I look forward to getting to know you better.

I am very impressed that you are working to withdraw from your morphine regimen using CBD oil. I have found CBD to be very valuable in my own withdrawal from Tramadol. I agree that you may need to seek a stronger version of CBD:THC since you are on such strong pain medications. Would you be willing to share with us the reason you need pain management? Understanding your situation will help us to be more helpful in our feedback and support of you.
- How long have you needed medication for pain?
- What is your physical situation?
- Do you live in a state where marijuana is legal?
- Is your physician aware that you're using a CBD:THC drug? The reason I ask this is because my physician told me if they drug test me & I ever show marijuana or CBD in my urine, he would stop prescribing other pain drugs and kick me out of the Pain Clinic. That just made me more determined to get off the prescriptions and use only CBD:THC for my pain. I have been successful.

Please help us get to know you better in the near future. You will find acceptance, non judgemental support and lots of ideas as part of Mayo Connect.

Volunteer Mentor

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Replies to "@vibranthope Welcome to the Mayo Connect community. I'm a Volunteer Mentor and am not a medical..."

Hi hun. Thankyou for replying.i was on fentanyl large dose patches,I came off that in 4 days because mainly I was ill with bronchitis and so was so poorly that withdrawals didn't touch me much except through the night.
Ok...have spondylosis of the neck,(since about 38 years ago but it got worse in last 15 years)
Have osteoarthritis in my spine and disc bulges too, all causing severe pain every day.
I can't function without pain relief as its so bad.

I also suffer with chronic fatigue so I take guarana which helps enormously.

My Dr was so impressed I came off fentanyl patches then went and told him, he shook my hand. I'm not dependant on pain relief for anything other than pain, so if there's a more natural less/non addictive alternative then I will use that. I have depression too which I forgot to say.
You're right about the quality etc.but here in the uk cannabis isn't legal(yet) for medicinal purposes, however our health food shops are selling hemp oil, cbd oil and some cbd is organic which I would love to look into as I'm a reflexologist,and like essential oils and anything natural for healing. I have a wheel chair but use my crutches as much as I'm able to.

I usually have tw0 30mg morphine tablets and up to 30mg of oramorph for break through pain.

So since a few days ago I dropped my night tablet for the oil. And havent had my day tablet today either. So I'm missing 60mg of morphine now. However I have just had oramorph 2.5mg twice. So from up to 90mg of morphine,down to 10mg today is where I'm at. Although it's on 2pm and I'm in a lot of pain(wriggling my feet to distract me whilst laying down)- so I'm going to have more oil now. See how I go.

I have had to give in to the mst morphine as I'm not getting relief since I last wrote and it's driving me crazy as I'm so tired from being woken at 5am but can't sleep because of the pain, so I'm trying to distract myself by replying and looking on here. I feel so awful having given up when I was doing so well. But I'll try again tonight, I'll definately not take my night morphine tablet, and do cbd but I don't think its strong enough all day when I'm trying to get on with things.

I don't know about your pain situation, but it might be helpful/useful to read Jon Kabat-Zinn's "Full Catastrohhe Living". I came easily to this because of my dharma practice, but you don't have to be of any religious background to latch onto the practice of bettering your life which Dr. Zinn dezcribes so will in his book.

In 45 years with multiple diseases/conditions I think the hardest thing I face is my own lacerating opinion of how "I should be doing", when I know NO ONE IN THE FLESH who has any of my maladys, nor any doctor who's heard of these diseases...it's absurd that I can't be kinder, more accepting with myself.I know that chronic fatigue and insomnia are built right in to AA, but COULDN'T YOU DO ANY BETTER THAN A PITIFUL 90 MINUTES OF SLEEP, CAROL? Well, no I couldn't. I haven't the time to devote even one minute to self-flagellation, not today and I hope not ever. I put away the ugly self-directed words at just about the same time I put asside the razor-sharp matte cutter blades and the utility knives, and became shamefully disgusted with what I'd done to myself for just having the nerve to be alive. Bad girl. And at 72 I think I;ll try to live moment-to-moment with what modicam of wisdom and sheer, unadulterated joy...for just being alive


Don't worry that you decided to go back to your medication. It sounds as if you are trying to withdraw too quickly from the morphine which is very powerful. You need to go very slowly if you want to be successful. I have shared my experience with taking CBD w/one quarter of THC per 1 mg. I take 6 to 8 doses when I am in a lot of pain, which has only happened twice. I have chosen another alternative to pain medication now.

First, I want to share a little of my struggle with back problems over the years. I'm nearly 70 years old now. I was prescribed hydrocodone and took it for a couple of years. It never really helped my pain, but I felt high, so I didn't care as much. I had been having hip and back pain off and on for about 20 years. Then a few years ago the pain was there every 3 months, progressing to daily about 5 years ago. Three years ago I was leaning forward to cut some roses, when I suddenly felt extreme fatigue in my right hip and leg. That became constant grinding pain that kept me from going up stairs and walking freely. I still didn't talk to the doctor about it as I'd had an MRI 5 year ago and the doctor wanted me to have surgery to fix my bulging lumbar disks. I didn't want surgery.

I finally was forced to see a doctor for acute and suddenly debilitating pain that put me in a wheelchair 2 years ago. I had an MRI and found I out I had multiple problems, including that my L5-S1 was impinging on my spinal cord, and my L4 was herniated and had slipped onto my L5. I had spondylitis, stenosis, osteoarthritis, degenerative disk disease, a compound fracture of my C7, and radiculopathy in my left shoulder, elbow and arm. I had outpatient surgery called a laminectomy to remove part of my L5 disk to relieve the pressure on my lumbar spine December 22, 2016.

The relief of pain on my left side was immediate. I was so grateful for that. However, the pain on the right side from my L4 continued. I continued to take medication for the pain, but I had trouble walking and could hardly go up steps anyway. I was prescribed Tramadol, 50mg, 4 times a day. It is a synthetic opioid that really helped me with the pain. I took it 4 times a day. My surgeon said I would need major surgery to repair the L4, so he wanted me to try other ways to relieve the pain. I had 2 rounds of physical therapy, acupuncture, massage, and nothing helped. I explored stem cell therapy. Then I read about ART, Active Release Technique, on the Mayo Connect community. I decided to try it and within 3 weeks of treatment, my pain was almost completely gone. I was very happy. I go monthly now for a tweak.

I decided to stop my Tramadol, and used CBD during the time as I reduced one pill a day for 3 weeks, then another pill reduction for 4 weeks, then I stayed at 2 pills a day for another 4 weeks using the CBD to help me with the anxiety and brain fog I felt. It really helped me to be able to keep reducing my pills. I broke my last pills in half and continued to take half in the morning and half in the evening. I now only take half a pill when I have pain.

I don't know if ART is appropriate for you. I recommend that you Google, Active Release Technique, and read about it. If you think it might help, then look for a practitioner in your area. Chiropractors are the ones who have gotten this training. Research who has the most training and certifications for different aspects of ART. Before deciding to do any treatment, show your MRI to the ART practitioner and be certain you talk with your doctor about what you're thinking about doing.

Please continue to let me know how you're doing. I'm rather surprised that the UK hasn't made medical marijuana legal yet. It is so helpful for those suffering pain and other problems, and is not addictive. I'm hoping the best for you brave woman!

Volunteer Mentor

Getting high levels of D3 from the high noon sunlight resets your biological clock and your body will create more melatonin at bedtime. Remember not to use sunscreen when getting the noon sunlight to create D3, sunscreen will block all UVB light waves from production D3 in your skin.

Oh goodness, I think you're the brave one. And you've done so so well. I reflected on today about 10 minutes ago with other half, we have to move out of our house to another place to live(provided by our local council) for at least 3 weeks while we get renovations done, so the stress put extra pain on me, when I get stress I get more terrible pain than usual, however because I know I took my day tablet,I won't take my night and will find the right ratio,a bit slower than just now(I'm very impatient), Thankyou.i will certainly take yours and all advice on board as regards slower detox.To all of you in this forum, please know that I'm thinking of you and sending positive thoughts,and gentle hugs to you all. Suffering pain, well it proves we are alive at least, but it's not so nice to live with....

Do you know in the uk we have to have it prescribed by the Dr and ONLY if the dr thinks we need it and on special occasions that we need a good sleep time.
In almost every other country it's sold in pharmacies, shops, health food shops, and even put into babies formula milk to help them sleep. No prescription needed.
We had it prescribed for our child when he was young(4-12 years)- he has adhd,aspergers and sleep issues, it helped immensley with him. If any are subject to hardly an good sleep, i think in the uk we should be able to buy it over the counter as its a natural substance occurring in the brain as you just mentioned. Thankyou

Gail what mg of CBD oil do you take ?

Hi Gail I am currently on day one of no tram. After many many years.
After being rx tram years ago for cervical disc herniation and stenosis I found myself addicted.
At the worst it was 1000 mg daily
Now after two weeks my last team was 300 mg yesterday.
This am I took 12 mg hydrocodone and 20 mg of sativa edible.
I want off all this junk in my heart then my head starts panicking ( its hard to think of how to live off the tramadol when you taken it for years ) I don’t know what life looks like without it if that make sense.
But I want to b DONE BUT THE W/d scare me to death. I know the hydro is just delaying w/d but if I could find someway to curb the psy w/d of tram ( the anxiety rls hot cold flash and insomnia) even just by 50% or so I think I can do it
I have to b able to function during the day since I have family, and nobody really know what I’m going through
So any words of advise etc. would be a god send .