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Hi Stephanie. I have a 16 year old with ASD On poly pharmacy including risperidone and abilify seroquel and epival. The only thing that is helping with his current aggression is ativan which of course is terrible. Anyway we are just starting Cbd without guidance although I am going to work on his pyschiatrist. So I am very happy to read your posts. I hope it is going well

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Replies to "Hi Stephanie. I have a 16 year old with ASD On poly pharmacy including risperidone and..."

Stephanie I also wanted to ask what dose you started at ? I have a very reputable source of medical grade Cbd 20mg/ml.

Hi ASDmommy and others who suffer from severe anxiety.
My 31 yr old son on poly pharmacy, atypical antipsychotic, SSRI's Clonipin, Guanficine has been weaned off of 2 medications in the past 6 months using CBD as a substitute. . ( He no longer takes Clonopin and Guanficine and his atypical antipsychotic (similar to Resperidone) the dose has been cut in half. I want to get him off the SSRI and atypical antipsychotic but because of very physically aggressive past behaviors and the issue of having to taper off slowly to avoid side effects, I am going very slow in tapering the prescription drugs. Also his bone density is going down due to side effect of atypical antipsychotic and SSRI he has been on for years. I give him Vit D and Calcium . With past serious aggression like hitting himself or others, property destruction I use to give him Atavan, but now he has not needed it generally speaking. . For past 6 months the serious aggression and horrible anxiety has not happened. I give him CBD tincture 18:1 Care by Design every 4 hours during the day BUT everyone is different so this should not be considered for everyone. His psychiatrist only gives minimal advice- most MD's do not know much about CBD. She assists with giving advice on the weaning off the psychiatric drugs. The Radicle Health clinic nurse practitioner gives me consultation on the type of CBD and dosing. I think she does phone consults as well. She started first working primarily with cancer patients but now is seeing a lot more people with autism, anxiety etc. http://www.radiclehealthcare.com Teenage years can be very difficult due to puberty and fluctuating hormones. I am guessing that CBD has a very calming effect without getting him high so I wish I had given it to him in his teen years. But there was little or no information on it years ago. Hope this is helpful to you. FYI most likely none of the consultations or the CBD will be covered by insurance yet. Hopefully things will change as more research is done in the future.

Did he have to get off the Benzo first I’m reading you can’t take cbd w a Benzo and that it causes med side effects to worsen I’ve been looking up other ways for anxiety I and having being on colonopin and they won’t take me off of it it’s been year half now and trying to add straterra for anxiety and I just want off all this stuff I am scared of psych meds due to so many reactions I’m scared of changing things around w my anxiety and ocd