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Hello everyone. I have been reading here for maybe an hour and a half.
I am just going to jump in and share my story of blessed CBD.
I have multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, COPD, anxiety, pain, balance problems and other physical challenges.
I honestly don't remember who told me about CBD...but for me, this medication is a MUST for me to live a graceful life.
I used to take 16 meds daily, 6 of which were sedating. I got myself off everything.....thru the years.
I started buying CBD at my local hippy shop...I now use Lazarus Naturals and I know I will die taking this medication. It helps me that much.
Yes, and is expensive...however I choose to use Lazarus Naturals cuz I can get 1200 mg in coconut oil. Cost? $50. When my MS pain gets bad, I can use up to 2 bottles a month. Why that much? Cuz I am worth what ever it takes to live a graceful life.
I had to move in December, yikes, moving is expensive... I could not afford my CBD for 2 months. However, my pain and my moods got out of control. I was miserable.....my daughter suggested I restart my Effexor....no way am I doing that. The CBD helps me control my mood just fine. I made it a priority to take this month as ME FIRST MONTH.... Not usually my style...
While many things in my life are not in control, or are completely out of my control, when I get upset or worried, I take my little spoon and serve myself some honest to goodness control with my serving of CBD.
I started out using a measuring spoon, 1/2 teaspoon 3 times a day. I listened to my body and pain level and monitored my mood so I knew when to take it. I think I have been using it since last summer.
When I couldn't afford it, I was majority stressed cuz my life was out of control and other than moving, that was about all I could control. Oh, the crying jags were awful. I had no control over my moods and little else in my life.
Not much has changed in my life just yet, but now I have my CBD I feel in much better control of my moods AND my life challenges.
I almost died in November from full blown COPD and again last week from being TOO COLD IN MY HOUSE, my husband who died in 2011, came that night and held me and kept me warm. No I AN NOT CONFUSED.
My MS was reactivated by the polar vortex and it almost took me out. I am so grateful to be alive...you have no idea.
Now with a doctors note telling what disease you are treating, you can get 40% off from Lazarus Natural company. This is the only company I think who does this. I will go to my regular doc when I can afford it, my GP. My letter will say I have multiple sclerosis... Then I send the letter off to the company and the CBD gets mailed to my house...each month.
I don't get any benefit from sharing this company with you. It is the cheapest AND best product I have tried. I think I tried 4 other brands, none of which really helped me that much. And the cost was thru the roof for them.
I realize I can take much less than I used to right now. I have about 1/3 bottle left till the April 3rd. I bought it on March 1st.
One last thing...CBD is made from hemp...NOT MARIJUANA. It looks like pot BUT IS IS NOT POT.
My medication for my MS costs $1500 for 1 treatment. That's more than I bring in...So what do I do instead, I use green smoke and CBD....I am getting my graceful life back....and loving that, let me tell you.
As always, Bright Wings

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Replies to "Hello everyone. I have been reading here for maybe an hour and a half. I am..."

Now I am back writing at the getting off Effexor page. Please go check some of the new techniques I am posting about there to use endorphins to gain control of your moods. I didn't realize what an expert I have become at it. I want to start lecturing about it.
Why, cuz if you don't realize it, thoughts and movements can cause negative chemical dumps in your brain making and keeping you feeling like crap.
Mentors, feel free to move those instructions to any group you want to where you think it possibly might help.
Smiling at you all, cuz smiling gives endorphins....Bright Wings

Ok, sometimes I surprise myself... I just called my neurologist I have been seeing since 02. I explained about needing a letter with a diagnosis so I can get CBD.
She will check with the doc and my letter will be in the mail. How cool is that????
Remember, MS doesn't go away...so that why I don't have to go see her.
Still smiling and so happy, Bright Wings