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@nodepression Welcome to Connect! Every person is different and how well CBD works, or doesn't, varies widely. Very happy to hear you found a dose that works for you, and are cognizant that you can taper off after a while.

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Replies to "@nodepression Welcome to Connect! Every person is different and how well CBD works, or doesn't, varies..."

Hi Ginger, yes, it absolutely works for me...the strangest thing for me though is not only the emotional stability it provides but more so the clarity of thought (or maybe that is just because of the emotional stability - who knows) but the overwhelming sense of loss and free fall into another depressive episode were of course accompanied by devastating thoughts, thoughts that life is over, no future, all that was built is lost again after finally getting well, where is the next bridge and so on...within hours those got replaced by totally constructive thoughts: yes, this suck but you can deal with it, so what went wrong and where is your responsibility, there is nothing you can do to force a change in the situation but you can improve, you will be alright in the future, let's start by doing this right now...its just weird how that happened (perhaps my ADHD that I started to question I even have at the end?)...listen, I still get very sad and cry at times but at no point do I have the feeling that I am losing the ground under my feet...just the opposite, I deliberately let the emotion happen and can the just carefully return to normal...its not that I am ignoring the event or that I let it destroy me, I am actually fully participating in it and doing so in a controlled and calm manner...