To @summertime4 and @annedodrill44: I would like to share my experience with you, in the hope it would be of some help. I have suffered from severe anxiety and depression for more than 25 years. During this period I have been prescribed several drugs including Elavil, Lexapro, Pregabalin, Effexor, and several different Benzodiazepines. I have suffered several relapses, as my illness has become more severe with increasing age. It is a bit of a miracle I am still alive, and doing well on a cocktail of drugs. For the last three years, my condition has been stable and the quality of my life has been good.
Switching gears, I can tell you how the various drugs have affected me and my illness. First, Elavil has been of great help, though it has several unpleasant side effects at the dose I am taking. It is very effective for severe depression and anxiety. So if it suits you, it may be a good idea to continue it, if it's OK with your doctor. Second, Lexapro, which, too, I am taking. It is one of the best drugs for anxiety and depression. It has almost zero side effects, which is a great help. Third, Effexor. My doctor prescribed it to me about four years ago. I was on it for only three weeks, at the dosage of 75mg for 2 weeks, and 150 mg for 1 week. Those three weeks were probably the most horrible weeks of my life. I suffered unbearable anxiety and restlessness, to the extent that I became suicidal. I stopped it against the advice of my doctor, who still wanted me to continue with it. It was the right decision, which saved my life.
But even the withdrawal from Effexor was extremely severe and continued for about 2-3 weeks, during which the doctor tried various anti-anxiety drugs to control my suffering, including Seroquel and Klonopin. Seroquel had a negative reaction and severe side effects of its own. In the end, only 2 mg Klonopin worked, and my condition came under control. I still remember that day, four years ago, which I see as the day when I was born again, or as the day God gave me another life.
After that, my condition started improving steadily, and by the end of 2015, I was in a good shape. Since then the quality of my life has been improving steadily. About a year ago, I added 150 mg of Pregabalin [ Gabapentin is an older and less effective version of this drug ] to the cocktail of my drugs. It has had an extremely beneficial effect, and the quality of my life has improved further. Now I travel around the world, play sports with my children, enjoy food, movies etc. My mood, appetite, exercise, and sleep are very good.
I don't know how long this will continue, and whether I might suffer another relapse in the future. But, then, who can say what will happen tomorrow? I am trying to live life one day at a time, and not think too much about what might happen tomorrow [which is one of my bad habits!]. Hope my experience will be of help to you. I will pray for you and may God bless you.
Hi pankaj Thank you so much for your input. It is helpful in several ways. One is you give me optimism. I also get caught up in the "I don"t want to take all these drugs" Listening to you I am not thinking of them as drugs, but rather medication for my illness. Yes, depression and anxiety are medical issues and need to be treated as such. I am taking Elavil 50mg, Klonopin .05 mg. at bedtime, and Effexor 37.5 mg morning. I also have prescribed Percocet when needed. I have been on the Percocet for 2 plus years because of severe pain with osteo arthritis spinal stenosis and some other disk problems. I look at these medications and see that all but one is prescribed for mental/mood disorder. I then think Damn I must be crazy. I was a Certified Addiction counselor for 30 years so taking the Percocet really disturbs me. I fought against my clients being criticized be support groups for taking prescribed medication for mood disorders. I believe that depression, anxiety and other mood disorders are real medical conditions that need to be treated if an individual is to stay sober. I need to share that reality with myself. I will more than likely be on mental/mood condition forever. That is ok. I am concerned about the Effexor as I hear so many negatives. The doctor started me on a higher dose and after 2 weeks I did not feel it was working and I heard so many negatives that I stopped. Even only using 50 mg for 2 weeks I began experiencing withdrawal. I contacted my doctor and I went down to 37.5 mg and it doesn't seem to be having any negative effects. I am still struggling with depression and anxiety but to a lesser degree. I believe I will continue because I am grieving the loss of my husband who died on Jan. 7, 2018. There isn't a magic pill that will take away that pain and I must be very careful that I don't seek that out. To finish off this boo I seem to be writing I will thank you and all our members as I feel understood and accepted. I wish all a peaceful Thanksgiving and my prayers go out to all those who alone or feeling alone during the holiday and I include myself in that prayer. I will be with family, I am thankful for that, but still feel alone without my husband.