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Pericarditis/Constrictive Pericarditis

Heart & Blood Health | Last Active: Oct 3, 2021 | Replies (43)

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Hi Teresa my son had done and echo ct scan and ekg X-ray blood work to show high inflammation markers since he has severe chest pain that radiate to his shoulders and neck they diagnosed him with pericarditis he also had an effusion where they had to tap him and get the fluid out they gave him colchicine and pain med but he is still spiking fevers and in bed for two months now and I was wondering if anyone have had this experience or how long did it take them to recover please help

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Replies to "Hi Teresa my son had done and echo ct scan and ekg X-ray blood work to..."

Hello @pureprousa,

I'm sorry to hear that you son is still dealing with a high fever and bed rest. How old is your son?

Do you live near a university medical center and/or a Mayo facility where you can get a second opinion?

Here is a Mayo Clinic video about this condition along with treatment options:


This doesn't sound good.... Fever? In bed for 2 months? Severe chest pain? I would take him to the hospital stat and have him admitted. That is where you see the specialists on site and get all the tests immediately. If it has to do with the heart, patients are seen immediately. Please write us back to say that you did take him to the hospital and that he is being treated. Often guys (is he an adult?) are reluctant to complain and seem like they are whining and so then their symptoms are not taken seriously.
I read that the more people are with a patient when visiting a doctor, the more seriously the doctor takes the condition. Keep that in mind. Help is right around the corner.