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Low back pain & neuropathy issues

Spine Health | Last Active: May 26, 2022 | Replies (213)

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Parus is right. You're not alone. I had compression fractures in my lower back when I fell several years ago, and have peripheral neuropathy pain in my feet. I had a spinal cord stimulator implant in June last year, and the pain in my feet has been reduced significantly, though certainly not completely. It's frustrating not to be able to walk like I used to. I take morphine sulfate contin and I'm trying Gabapentin again. I'm hoping that one of the medications for neuropathy will work, now that I have the stimulator. None of them did anything before.

Going to a pain specialist was one of the best things I've done. He took a sincere interest in helping me. I had been through all the neuropathy meds with the neurologist, with no success.

What doctors have you seen about the neuropathy? Keep pressing them to try everything they can. Don't let them give up.


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Replies to "@timmckinney Parus is right. You're not alone. I had compression fractures in my lower back when..."

@jimhd Mayhap I will ask the pain specialist about the spinal cord stimulator implant. Currently my quality of life is at the bottom of the barrel. Living like this is not at all pleasant. Where I live the doctor's are fearful of prescribing any type of narcotics and I do not even ask. If it takes these type of medicines to have quality of life I doubt I will have a life. I am not drug seeking. I am in a boatload of physical pain which is starting to desroy any hope for the future. I am olsd, retired and need to be content. I am not. My issue.
If a doctor wants to give up because of a mental health diagnosis they can. Go see a therapist is there solution. Whine, whine, whine. I so despise being pathetic and weak.

in all cases. my dr tells me...try this! so far no meds work. My brain refuses to accept them. Keep pressure to doctors. Even the experts are not all knowing. Most drugs/medications, cover the pain & are systemic. I want to get to the source. Usually is nerve compression. or arthritis, which I have been using MSM equine strength.

what is a 'pain' specialist?

What is MSM?

Some of mine are Neurologists, Neurosurgeons, Cancer specialists and pain researchers. They work in Pain Clinics. They have made pain the center of their careers.

I used gapentine for years it only my my pain worst.

@jross Gabapentin did scary things to me. A usually passive person turned mean. Will deal with the neuropathy. I do not have the pins and needles all of the time. for this I am thankful.


A pain specialist is just what it sounds like. A doctor who specializes in treating people with pain, usually pain that hasn't responded to any treatment your pcp has tried. They know more about medications that might be used for things other than what the label says. They also may know of other specialists specific to your symptoms.

In my case, a neurologist had tried everything on his list to treat my neuropathy pain in my feet, so he referred me to the pain specialist, in the hopes that he would know of other options.



Gabapentin won't treat the pins and needles. I'm just starting on it for the second time, to see if it might work now that the spinal cord stimulator takes care of much of my pain. My wife and the psychiatrist seem to remember that it made my thinking get even more foggy than it already is. Lol


Have you asked for gene testing to find out which drugs are compatible with your metabolism? That may help zero in on drugs that will work.

Gail B
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