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Replies to "@olegraymare ...Hi, friend. Tough beans about the PMR dX. I was dXed with PMR a couple..."
Hi read your post and thought I'd share my experience. I have had Crohns disease for 25 years. I've had multiple operations ranging from removal to abscesses being drained. It has also given my a heart operation. I've experienced Psorisis on my head and other parts of my body. I understand there is no cure yet. Mine is pus related. I don't take any medication and stress definately effects it. I'm new to mayo clinic. I will endeavour to follow what happens here.
Good Luck
Martin Graham
Hi, @martingraham37 -- sounds like you've had a lot of medical challenges, Martin, and like you'd have a lot to share.
As you have Crohn's disease, I thought you might be interested in dialoguing with ladybugmg, who posted about a study on Crohn's disease and artificial sweeteners,
Also, since you've had heart surgery, you might be interested in following the Connect Heart & Blood Health group, You'll see "+Follow" in the lower right part of the blue-gray banner for the group. If you scroll down on that page, you may see some particular discussions on heart of interest to you.
Thanks for your reply will follow up with that.
Martin Graham
Just read the article and have had symptoms of pain and cramping when taking too much sugar like carbonated soft drinks Coca cola or Pepsi. Will do some study for my thesis on Proteabacteria Phylum Group Myeloperoxidase Leukocytes Sucralose Maltodextin Immune Cell Lipoplysaccharides Antigens and posted link to the study on my facebook page
Martin Graham
@Dear Oldkarl: It is good to read your posts. It encourages me to believe in myself when the doctors look at you as if you are making up your illnesses. But why do they continue with their attitude when the psoriasis rash is ovver 15% of your body and the fingernails shrivel up and fall off leaving the nail bed exposed. Oooch! Very painful. I do wonder why I do not wish this on them. Perhaps because I have found a belief in god.