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Conservative treatment of Hallux Rigidus

Bones, Joints & Muscles | Last Active: Oct 2, 2023 | Replies (28)

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I am having similar symptoms to this and I thought it may be gout. Is Big Toe Arthritis the same thing you're referring to, gout? The symptoms match and the risk factors. Isn't gout a part of arthritis and what was your diagnosis? I haven't seen the doctor yet but have a regular scheduled appointment next week. I've been following a diet approach with yogurt, cherry juice and lots of water, no red meat. I've had the burning, pin prick stabbing pain with such tenderness I can't touch it. Using heat and ice. Last night my whole foot was swollen.

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Replies to "I am having similar symptoms to this and I thought it may be gout. Is Big..."

Gout results from the build-up of Uric acid and can result in symptoms similar to arthritis. Have you seen a doctor? Hope you feel better soon.

Thank you bernese. Yes I have an appointment next week. I've been pretty sure it's gout but wondering if it could be the same issue written about above.