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Fighting Holiday Blues Food Problems

Diabetes & Endocrine System | Last Active: Jan 5, 2018 | Replies (31)

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The one part I do not control is exercise. I was always a skinny kid and was petite in college and after. It was following a hysterectomy that I began to gain weight. I tried every diet and became obsessed with aerobic dancing, so I got back in shape. Then family problems intensified and exercise was not important. Since then, I just do not force myself to sweat and trudge. At my age, it's the one thing I really ignore. I have a tread mill in the corner of my den and walking tapes galore, but I just say, "Maybe." it's easier for me to skip sweets than it is to exercise. So, I always get an F in that category.

We all have our weaknesses, so that's mine. I know I should, but I just don't. When I was teaching, I was always in shape because I was all over the classroom, never sitting behind a desk. But once I was not teaching, I gave up exercising.


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Replies to "The one part I do not control is exercise. I was always a skinny kid and..."

Hello @retiredteacher

Speaking of exercise, @parus recently suggested a Youtube exercise video, Easy Tai-Chi, that is quite easy and gentle. In case you didn't see her post, here is the link to the Youtube exercise program, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxcNBejxlzs. It is just 9 minutes long and while it is not aerobic in nature it does help get you moving. Another member mentioned a T-Tapp Youtube exercise program which is also short segments and not particularly difficult to follow, here is the link, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycG7tTX9JV0&list=PLWYYCpa66AM6yMFJVbkzlEvfCQq9gDsgn&index=3.

These are a bit more interesting than a treadmill so you might take a look at them and see what you think.

By the way, I hope that your husband is doing OK. As I recall, he was having some health problems as well.


I really liked my Leslie Sansone walking tapes when I did them but just feel that the work I do around the house, going upstairs and down keep me moving enough. It's not sweating exercise, but for now, I justify it to myself as enough moving. If I were to decide on a routine, I would go back to Leslie and the tread mill; they worked and I am comfortable with them, but not at this time.

My husband will never be 100%. His heart disease has been very difficult. This last battle is with high blood pressure problems for the last months. His cardiologist has changed his meds numerous times. The last time he prescribed the final capsule that can help; there is nothing after this one, so I don't know where it will lead us. He still has numbers that are higher than they should be, but not as high as before. This pill must be made of gold; for people w/out insurance it is $300.00 a month for 30 pills. We have insurance so our cost is close to $100.00. That is still outrageous! But he tires easily and sleeps more than he is awake. He is not a whiner or complainer, so he is a joy to be with. I watch him like a hawk. He is the love of my life, so I take care of him and he takes care of me. We are high school sweethearts and have been in love 60 years and married 52 of those years. I wish everyone could know the love and adoration we have for each other.
Thank you for asking about him.



I'm glad that you shared your husband's status with us. I'm sorry to hear that his heart condition remains so serious. I'm sure that this must be very difficult for you to see "the love of your life" so very ill and without much help from the medical profession. My heart goes out to you. It sounds like you have been very fortunate to have each other - you are both to be admired for your love and loyalty all of these years!

Take care and best wishes to you both.


That really is a super sweet love story, @retiredteacher. That sounds very frustrating not being able to find a blood pressure med that really makes a difference for him.

I like the Leslie Sansone videos, also, and have always had them around for either my main exercise or a backup if it was just too cold to go out of the house to exercise.