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Has anyone been diagnosed with Abdominal Wall Pain

Chronic Pain | Last Active: Mar 14 12:16am | Replies (282)

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Hi, I am going on 5.5 years since my first sudden onset of upper left quadrant abdominal pain. I have had many diagnoses and yet it is still a mystery and truly excruciating at times. My pain is 8-9 days out of 10. How often is yours? Can you walk normally? What have you tried that works? I have seen 18-20 specialist. I use heat, a TENs, meditation, pain meds, lying still on a 45 degree angle and a number of other meds. Does the pain cause you headaches and nausea when it gets severe? It has been a 5 year science experiment and imaging studies of all types to still not know what or why. Abdominal wall pain, visceral pain, chest wall pain, chronic pain syndrome, etc. It has been labeled all of these. I have received easily 100 injections in my upper abdomen and wrapping around to my back. So, I feel your pain.

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Replies to "@smiles444 Hi, I am going on 5.5 years since my first sudden onset of upper left..."

Wow, I am so sorry for your pain. It sounds like you have been through it all. Mine started on May 1 of this year. I had quite a few emergency room visits because the pain could get pretty intense. I was starting to get the anti-anxiety prescriptions from the emergency room doctors. At least the abdominal wall pain diagnosis has allowed me calm down a bit and not run to the emergency room. I was worried I was going to get labeled as a hypochondriac and get told to see a therapist. I can go for a time with low-grade pain then there will be a flare-up. Those days make going to work difficult. When the pain is bad, I do get nausea and do not feel like eating. I was curious to see if anyone else had this problem and how they live with it.

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Just to let you know, I have severe abdominal pain and nothing helps. My pain is 24/7 and levels from 5 to 10 depending on meds I'm taking. I get a shot soon to see if it's my abdominal wall or something else, but the pain never goes away.

Hi I'm new to Mayo clinic. I've been in pain for over 6 years with no relief! I've felt that its getting worse, I now have nausea, vomiting and pain is so severe I just don't eat! I've lost so much weight, and it's still coming off!

Hi my boyfriend has something similar. He’s ongoing ten years though and has been medically released from the army due to this. He can’t work. Since I’ve been with him I’ve personally gone to so many doctors appts with him from his primary to gi to psychiatrist and he’s gone to the ER with me 6 times in the last year. He’s been told he has a hernia but have never said let’s do something about it. He can barely eat, everything makes him either have excruciating pain or immediately throw up. It’s so awful to see and I can’t stand to see him suffer anymore. He’ll be perfectly fine and I’ll think he’s ok and then he’s dying cause he ate some soup. He’s a veteran and trying to get a referral out is so dang hard for no reason. His only relief is a burning hot tub or hot pack but he made it so hot this last time that he kept burning his back ( not even noticing cause the stomach pain) so his back is basically one big scab now. He’s always told he has cyclical vomiting syndrome or hypermesis from smoking ( he only smokes felts to relieve the pain!) it makes me so mad. His gi didn’t think he has cyclical and the next step is hopefully a pill cam 😢 where can we get pain medication? Nobody wants to give him anything to help!