Dealing with symptoms after Gallbladder surgery

Posted by roisemaire @roisemaire, Nov 30, 2017

Hi is there anyone out there that suffers from nausea and pain almost 4 weeks after gallbladder operation. Every time I eat anything i get pain in site of operation. And tired all the time no energy

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Update from me I started getting worse again and it ends up I have gastroparesis from the surgery. It's more common than what you think. I go for a test to see how bad it is Wednesday then they want to put in a gastric pacemaker. From reaching out to a lot of people with GP this is not uncommon as uncommon as GP is. If you're experiencing long lasting nausea, vomiting, fatigue, fullness from a few bites, food intolerance, fatigued, weakness, or bile issues please mention GP and ask for a stomach emptying scan. You don't have to be diabetic to get GP, GP happens idiopathic from surgeries relating to the gastrointestinal, some viruses, or for no reason


Update from me I started getting worse again and it ends up I have gastroparesis from the surgery. It's more common than what you think. I go for a test to see how bad it is Wednesday then they want to put in a gastric pacemaker. From reaching out to a lot of people with GP this is not uncommon as uncommon as GP is. If you're experiencing long lasting nausea, vomiting, fatigue, fullness from a few bites, food intolerance, fatigued, weakness, or bile issues please mention GP and ask for a stomach emptying scan. You don't have to be diabetic to get GP, GP happens idiopathic from surgeries relating to the gastrointestinal, some viruses, or for no reason

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Vagus nerve damage is related to gastroparesis.


Gastroparesis can occur at anytime. Yes. It is vagus nerve damage but for some reason there's a link between gallbladder removal and getting GP in some cases


It took me almost 6 months to feel normal after my gallbladder removal. For the first 6 weeks I had to eat soft bland food. No fried foods, no alcohol, stayed away from beef (I ate grilled fish and chicken). After 6 weeks I experimented with foods to see what I could tolerate. About 6 months after I was eating my regular diet. Be patient, it gets better.


That is GREAT to hear! I am slowly improving as well and expect a three month to six month process. Thanks!


Had Gallbladder removed 2 years ago. Still have problems with fatty foods and bloating and nausea. The real problem is that I have gained 10 lbs no matter how little I eat or exercise. Are there supplements to help with this? I just can't afford to gain any more weight. Anyone with any ideas PLEASE helps.


Many many many people I talked to said they've had shortness of breath and pain in the abdomen for a while after surgery. Like 4 weeks sometimes. I had back pain for about a week and the abdomen pain was off and on. Worse in the evenings. Better in the morning. It takes time.
I know my hospital gave me a tummy pillow and a breathing thing I sucked into for 15 seconds to help my lungs to prevent post op pneumonia.

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I realize this is an older post but I was wanting to know if your shortness of breath ever resolved?


I realize this is an older post but I was wanting to know if your shortness of breath ever resolved?

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Hi @latishanavarrete and welcome to Connect. Have you recently had your gallbladder removed and are experiencing shortness of breath?
I can attest that after my surgery, I had shortness of breath and pain. I was advised by my physician to increase my incentive spirometer (the funky breathing device they give you) to break up the effects of the anesthesia in my lungs. He helped me to understand that anesthesia hinders your breathing and stifles the urge for your body to cough. Because of that, mucus can build up in the lungs and because the surgery is in your abdomen it could hurt to cough or breathe in deeply. Would love to know if you have a story to share.


Hi @latishanavarrete and welcome to Connect. Have you recently had your gallbladder removed and are experiencing shortness of breath?
I can attest that after my surgery, I had shortness of breath and pain. I was advised by my physician to increase my incentive spirometer (the funky breathing device they give you) to break up the effects of the anesthesia in my lungs. He helped me to understand that anesthesia hinders your breathing and stifles the urge for your body to cough. Because of that, mucus can build up in the lungs and because the surgery is in your abdomen it could hurt to cough or breathe in deeply. Would love to know if you have a story to share.

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Hi - I had gallbladder removal June, 2019. Went well; no pain; am still adjusting to changing bowel habits, and excessive "gas".
But I, too, have gained almost 10 lbs. I eat "sort of" healthy and do lots of exercise 4X week (including racquet sport, gym machines). But my weight has been trending up for 2 or 3 years (HOW AWFUL!). Am thinking of trying Jennie Craig diet and also taking ZENACAL - anyone have experience? GALL BLADDER SURGEON TOLD ME NOT TO HAVE A COLONOSCOPY EVER! GREAT, BUT WHY? ?? I do notice, however, I have some shortness of breath when going for a walk and going upstairs is kind of difficult!! Stairs have NEVER been a problem for me. My legs feel "weak" but do not hurt (occasional leg cramps). I am 70+
I have circulation issue in my legs - Dr. says nothing can be done !?! I think it is PVD and atherosclerosis (my mother had this - but she did not exersize like I do at all; had a thin body, but smoked. My Feet are Ugly purple/blue bruising that disappears when legs are up or I wear stockings. One leg is still a bit numb (I had TKR 15 months ago).


Hi - I had gallbladder removal June, 2019. Went well; no pain; am still adjusting to changing bowel habits, and excessive "gas".
But I, too, have gained almost 10 lbs. I eat "sort of" healthy and do lots of exercise 4X week (including racquet sport, gym machines). But my weight has been trending up for 2 or 3 years (HOW AWFUL!). Am thinking of trying Jennie Craig diet and also taking ZENACAL - anyone have experience? GALL BLADDER SURGEON TOLD ME NOT TO HAVE A COLONOSCOPY EVER! GREAT, BUT WHY? ?? I do notice, however, I have some shortness of breath when going for a walk and going upstairs is kind of difficult!! Stairs have NEVER been a problem for me. My legs feel "weak" but do not hurt (occasional leg cramps). I am 70+
I have circulation issue in my legs - Dr. says nothing can be done !?! I think it is PVD and atherosclerosis (my mother had this - but she did not exersize like I do at all; had a thin body, but smoked. My Feet are Ugly purple/blue bruising that disappears when legs are up or I wear stockings. One leg is still a bit numb (I had TKR 15 months ago).

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@tennisgolf- I’m just commenting on your blood circulation in your legs. I’m in the same boat. Over 70 and have always been active and eating healthy. I’m shocked at how my body seems to self destruct! I am on many preventative meds for a long time. It shows how much genetics plays a role. My father had same problems. My feet get ugly purple too the past couple of years.

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