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I’d love to get an update from new and regular members. How are you doing?

@mary76, what treatment options are being offered to you for recurrent oropharynx cancer? How are you doing emotionally?
@alpaca how are things down under in New Zealand?
@loli How is your sister? Did you see the discussions in the Skin Health group about burning mouth syndrome? I wonder if members there may be able to offer some tips. Let me know if you want direct links to those discussions.
@karenjf did you find relief for the burning?
@mybadthryroid how was surgery? How are you doing now?

I suppose it would be silly for me to mention everyone member of the group. I just want to let you know that I’m sitting here on a Saturday morning and thinking of you. Pull up a chair and let’s chat.

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Replies to "I’d love to get an update from new and regular members. How are you doing? @mary76,..."

Colleen, Thank you for bringing us together again. I am happy to hear from Maureen. We share so much! My problems are with my gums receding due to radiation, so from time to time, I loose a molar. Well, one less molar to brush. Somehow, I have been producing more saliva and my mouth is not so dry. I have done nothing different, so I do not have any new recommendation. Same as Maureen, I have started a group through my church, to drive people to their appointments. It makes me happy to be able to help others. My sister just came back from Mayo in Scottsdale. She had a positive checkup and flew back to Mexico last week. My sister in law, decided to go through her third Chemo treatment. It is very difficult for the family because, even though they are aware that she is terminal, some days they are optimistic, and then, there are the bad days. Should she just let be confortable, or should she fight? Very though, and all I can do, is pray for wisdom. Thank you for listening, and Happy Thanksgiving; I am thankful for this chat.