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Withdrawal from fentynol and oxycodone

Chronic Pain | Last Active: Mar 10, 2018 | Replies (15)

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If you are asking me, I stopped at home with a Drs prescription and guidance, when I used Suboxone. Suboxone is also addictive so you exchange it for the opioids and then taper off the Suboxone. The theory is that it’s easier to taper off of. It wasn’t that hard, but I was determined.

The rapid detox is inpatient in a hopistal. It’s expensive and not covered by any insurance. It’s much easier, but not inexpensive. It takes anywhere from 3-5 days, the first 1-2 are inpatient and the last couple in an aftercare facility with 24/7 nursing and dr once a day.

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Replies to "If you are asking me, I stopped at home with a Drs prescription and guidance, when..."

I started on 50 fentynol and then dropped to 25 and in 2 days drop to 12 so I'll make it I think, then get off oxycodone.can they operate to get rid of your pain?

Hello @johnbroward,

I am glad to hear that you are under the plan of your physician. Withdrawing from medications can be tricky and difficult, so it is wise to follow the direction of your physician's plan. Do you have the ability to at least call if you have any concerns or symptoms that seem too unbearable during your withdrawal plan? You mention you are 6 1/2 hours away, so having access to ask question may be helpful if that is available to you.

I fused my left ankle two years ago and had to be on the strongest oral pain medication, dilaudid, that you can take. Withdrawing from that medication was extremely difficult, but with the help of physician's guidance, I got through the tough first week of hot flashes, headaches, and nausea, and it was smooth sailing after that. The roughest were the first 3-5 days, but if you stick with the plan I am confident you will get through it too. Remember you have support here as well if you have any concerns or just need to ask more questions.