Hey @AlwaysHopeful I had recently had 2 back surgeries and the doc wanted to prescribe me flexeril for my back spasm during the healing process. I had two rods and about 50 screws put in my back. I told them they would have to do better than flexeril because I couldn't tell I was taking anything when I took it. So I take tons of meds, mainly for bipolar 1, and told them to find me something strong that doesn't interfere with all my other meds and zanaflex is what they came up with. I can tell that it works pretty good but you get the best relief when you take it with baclofen 2 a day. My ms doc said they could both be taken at the same time and the 2 of them together work really well.
I LOVE Lidoderm (lidocaine patches). They help me more than most oral medications. I’ve had problems with the generic brands because they either come off or are super sticky/gooey. I have just stuck with the name brand Lidoderm and they work great. Almost any other med I’ll use generic but this one I’ve seen a difference. If anyone knows a good company’s generic I’d love to know.
I LOVE Lidoderm (lidocaine patches). They help me more than most oral medications. I’ve had problems with the generic brands because they either come off or are super sticky/gooey. I have just stuck with the name brand Lidoderm and they work great. Almost any other med I’ll use generic but this one I’ve seen a difference. If anyone knows a good company’s generic I’d love to know.